Tofuku-ji Temple 東福寺



Hello. Today, I am at Tofuku-ji Temple in Kyoto. As a self-proclaimed Japanese garden girl, I will do my best to introduce the highlights of this garden as an amateur reporter.


Tofuku-ji Temple is the one of the Kyoto-Gozan, which was a temple rank of the Rinzai sect during the Muromachi period (1336-1573). The rank was created by the Muromachi shogun Yoshimitsu Ashikaga (famous for building the Temple of the Golden Pavilion) for both the purpose of protecting the Zen belief and of making temples easier to handle politically and religiously.


The four gardens surround the building called the hojo, the place where the monks worked. They were made by garden architect Mirei Shigemori during the Showa period (1926-1989) and were both his first creations and the greatest of his major works. He didn’t have any experience creating Japanese gardens, but before that, he fulfilled the great task of drawing by himself the plots of various Japanese gardens around the country over the course of three years. Seeing this, Tofuku-ji Temple's head monk thought that Shigemori had both the ability and the sense for creating gardens, and asked him to make four gardens at the temple. I think this decision shows the monk had great foresight. In order to fulfill this request, Shigemori created gardens using traditional styles mixed with fresh ideas. However, he also had some constraints in the process. Under the Zen teaching "you must not waste anything", he was requested to create the gardens from old waste materials, for example old poles and tiles laying around Tofuku-ji Temple. By working well under these constraints, Shigemori was able to create some truly amazing gardens. Since then, a lot of visitors to the temple have been comforted by his wonderful gardens. He also said in his final years that he could never create anything that exceeded Tofuku-ji Temple's gardens.


After you go through the first corridor, you can see two gardens: one on the right hand side and the other on the left. However, you shouldn’t look at the right hand one immediately. The four gardens collectively represent the Eight Phases of the Buddha’s Existence (Hasso-jyodo), starting from the left and concluding with the garden on the right, so you should look at the left one first.


The first garden, which you can see to the south, expresses the process from when Buddha was in his mother's body to when he left his house. This garden shows this process by using the Penglai stone arrangement, which represents the universe in Buddhism, and the moss mountain, which represents the Kyoto-Gozan.


The stone arrangement represents the Buddhist utopia, the islands of Mt. Penglai, floating on the sea. One of the features typical of Shigemori’s garden style is the standing stones, and there are tons used here. The standing of the stones in the limited space creates to a tense atmosphere. The tension shown by the standing stones, combined with the white sand, which represents the boundless ocean, creates a huge feeling of power. However, the stones resting flat give off a calm expression. I think the contrast between the strength and the calmness gives the stone arrangements a unique beauty.


On the right side of the south garden, there are six moss mounds, which represent the Kyoto-Gozan. The border line between the moss and the white sand is called "jiwari", and another unique feature of Shigemori’s gardening is creating such beautiful jiwari lines. It is said that the secret of truly beautiful Japanese gardens is that they have curved designs, that they are kept through impeccable maintenance. It is very difficult to keep such a nice jiwari line consistently. I think the perfectly maintained line shows that Tofuku-ji Temple's staff loves these gardens.


Let's go to the next garden. The western garden is called "Seiden-no-Niwa". On the right there are some Japanese azaleas arranged in a checkerboard pattern, and on the left there is another beautiful jiwari line with a moss mound. Originally, the Japanese azaleas were planted slightly below ground level, but when it rained, they would drown and die, so they were replanted at ground level. While the garden is beautiful enough when viewed from the ground, when you imagine the pattern from above, it must make such a modernistic graphic design. I think it’s amazing that a design like this was created at the beginning of the Showa period.


Next, the northern garden is composed of a checkered pattern that follows the western garden. I think it is interesting that the checkered pattern on the left hand side gradually disappears as it goes to the right. When the northern garden was originally created by Shigemori, the right side had beautiful jiwari lines formed with white sand, but the garden is overgrown with moss now because the riverside area forms such a good environment for moss that, unable to keep up with its rapid growth, the gardeners decided to leave the design to nature. However, the scenery is still beautiful: Nature created the beautiful designs here in the stead of Shigemori.


Finally, I will talk about the eastern garden, which represents the Buddha’s death. It features a motif of the night sky. There are seven stone poles on the white sand, which represent the seven stars of the Big Dipper, and fences of Japanese azaleas, which represent the Milky Way in the back. The garden you see first is full of energy, but the last one is calm. It makes you imagine stars twinkling in the night sky, bringing peace to your mind.


Today I have told you about four Japanese gardens at Tofuku-ji Temple. In fact, these gardens here hold a special place in my heart for initially inspiring my great love for Japanese gardens, so whenever I travel to Kyoto, I always visit Tofuku-ji Temple. I can enjoy the gardens here no matter what time of year I visit. I definitely recommend that you visit and see the gardens here! The gardens Shigemori created are sure to inspire you.


Thank you.
