Saiho-ji Temple 西芳寺



Hello. Today, I am at Saiho-ji Temple in Kyoto. As a self-proclaimed Japanese garden girl, I will do my best to introduce the highlights of this garden as an amateur reporter.


Saiho-ji Temple is a Zen temple located in Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto. It is also called the “Moss Temple” because the garden is completely covered with moss. There are over 100 types of moss here, and the temple is renowned for the beauty of its mossy garden. When the temple was first built, the garden was actually covered in white sand. This sanded garden was designed by Soseki Muso, and became the model of both the gardens at Kinkaku-ji (Temple of the Golden Pavilion) and Ginkaku-ji (Temple of the Silver Pavilion). However, because the garden was built in an area with a lot of spring water, after falling into disrepair for a while, it has been covered in moss since the end of the Edo period (1603-1868).


The temple is known for having been visited many times by many celebrities, including the founder of the Apple company Steve Jobs and Hollywood actor Richard Gere. It is celebrated as a national place of special scenic beauty, and was listed as a World Heritage Site in 1994.


The garden is composed of two gardens both upper and lower. The upper garden has a dry landscape garden with waterfall called "Ryumon-baku," and it actually used to function as a place for Zen training. However it is currently a private garden, so I will talk about only the lower garden, the strolling garden.


In the past, this strolling garden with pond had white sand spread throughout, without its current layer of moss. However, because it is the perfect environment needed for moss growth, the garden has become a moss garden. Don't you think that the moss and trees around the pond are really impressive? Presently, if you want to visit here, you have to make a reservation. Please check the official website out. I put the URL in the video description.


There are two ponds in this garden: the large pond called "Ohgon-chi" and the small called "Kongo-chi". Additionally, there are three islands in the large pond: Kasumi island, Asahi-ga island, and Yuhi-ga island. In the large pond, called the Shinji pond, the shape of the whole pond forms the kanji "Kokoro," which means “mind.” Also, the large pond has various traditional motifs of Japanese gardens: Yodomari-Ishi (ships moored at sea through the night), representing “ships” that are supposedly on their way to get medicine so that people can enjoy long lives; an arrangement of three stones called "Sanzon-seki;” and the traditional pair of islands Tsuru-shima and Kame-shima. They still are in there, somewhere, in their original form, but you can't find them because they have become a part of the green, mossy landscape.


However, I personally think that the garden perfectly represents the spirit of Zen, because it was covered in moss by the power of nature, which, through the calm passing of time, has created an entirely new landscape. For example, I feel the moss garden perfectly encapsulates the famous Zen expression "I only learn to know contentment.” It means that if you can appreciate what you already have and feel joy in everything, instead of blindly seeking after what is not before you, you can encounter the true richness of experience. In the same way, you can fill your mind with peace and calm if you accept the present garden as it is, covered with moss.


Additionally, there is another Zen phrase “Gensei Juyo,” meaning roughly "Accept the world as it is, and make the best of the life that is given to you.” The temple staff love this moss garden that has grown with history, so they accept its natural, mossy state and take even more care to maintain it. The phrase and their behavior show the temple’s spirituality.


The temple has two gardeners, and the brooms that they use for caretaking are made from bamboo grown in the garden. When the bamboo brooms are first made, they are soft, so the gardeners use them for sweeping the moss-covered ground. As they are used, they become harder, and then they are used for sweeping the paving-stone walkways. Finally, the brooms are returned to the garden, in order to honor zen teaching "you must not waste anything".


Today, I've told you about the strolling garden with pond at Saiho-ji Temple. The scenery, like a deep forest grove surrounded by trees, symbolizes the Zen spirit.


This Pure Land garden made by Soseki Muso has become more and more beautiful by its covering in moss. I highlighted the unique role of the moss in this video because I want to share this peaceful and comfortable world with all of you viewers. I would be glad to hear if you had a relaxing time while watching this video.


Thank you.
