Ginkaku-ji Temple 銀閣寺



Hello. Today, I am at Ginkaku-ji Temple (Temple of the Silver Pavilion) in Kyoto. A self-proclaimed Japanese garden girl, I will do my best to introduce the highlights of this garden as an amateur reporter... but, I am feeling more nervous than usual because we are at one of most famous temples in Kyoto, and this temple’s garden is an especially beautiful spot. Please be gentle in the comments.


First, I will talk about the approach to the garden. Actually, an approach like this is quite an important part of a Japanese garden. It is supposed to accomplish two nice effects: first, it provides a space for anticipation -- unable to see the main parts, the visitor is forced to imagine the form of the garden inside. Second, it provides a transitional space in which the hustle and bustle of worldly life gradually fades away. Some small gardens do not feature an approach, but in most cases, approaches are built to perform these important functions.


The length of the approach after entering the main gate is about 50 meters. The fence on your left continues to the Ginkaku-ji Temple. This famed fence can be thought of as a shorter version of the fence at Kennin-ji placed on top of a stone wall. The flowering trees such as camellia, gardenia, and sasanqua make for picturesque scenery when each enjoys their full bloom.


Next, I will give an overview of Ginkaku-ji Temple. It was built by the 8th shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate Yoshimasa Ashikaga (1358-1408). He was the grandson of Yoshimitsu Ashikaga, who built the similarly-named Kinkaku-ji Temple (The Temple of the Golden Pavilion). Yoshimasa hated his work as Shogun and was said to be terrified of his demanding wife to the point that he wanted to retire early, causing the battle for succession to break out. In the end, this led to the Onin-no-Ran War (1467-1477).


Despite living in such a tumultuous time, Yoshimasa handed over the shogunship to his son and retired. Because of the Onin-no-Ran War, the cityscape of Kyoto was almost completely destroyed. The Jodo-ji, which stood at the time on Ginkaku-ji-Temple’s current site, was also burned down. Actually, Yoshimasa desired this specific location, so he quickly secured the premises after the war. In addition, he collected a lot of money from the common people, set them to work and started construction on the Ginkaku-ji Temple. It took eight years to complete; however, Yoshimasa died just before the temple’s completion.


Its official name is Jisho-ji, which comes from Yoshimasa's Buddhist name, Jisho. There are various theories about the origin of the name “Ginkaku-ji”, but the true origin is not clear. I think that it was so called because of the silver light reflected from the white sand, called "Shirakawa-suna", onto the buildings.


I personally think of the Ginkaku-ji's garden as being composed of four parts: the dry landscape garden, the strolling garden with pond, the moss garden, and the hill. If I try to talk about all four parts, this video will become very long. Thus, I will talk about only the dry landscape garden and the strolling garden with pond.


First, I will talk about the dry landscape garden. This garden features two famous features of Ginkaku-ji, called “Ginsyadan” (The Silver Shoal) and “Kogetsu-dai” (Moon-viewing Platform). Both were made using the special white sand, called "shirakawa-suna", during the period of the Tokugawa shogunate, or the Edo period (1603-1868). Shirakawa-suna has two effects: reflecting light when the moon rises at night and brightening the surroundings of Ginkaku-ji temple. The reflectability of this special sand is the same as that of snow.


Next, Ginshadan is a mound about 60 centimeters high with elaborate sand patterns. It was made to the model of the scenery of the West Lake in China, which is one of the most spectacular views in the world. The sand marks represent the waves of the lake.


Next, "Kogetsu-dai" is a mound with a height of 1.8 meters. According to records from the middle of the Edo period, at the time Kogetsu-dai was just a spiral sand mark. However, as time progressed, sand was piled up more and more, and by the end of the Edo period, it became the shape we see now. It is said that it was built in the image of Mt. Fuji, but I don't know whether that is true or not.


The flowerbed near Ginsyadan and Kogetsu-dai is the first flowerbed in Japan where peonies were planted, and is called "Sensodan."


I explained that Ginsyadan and Kogetsu-dai were built in the Edo period. Actually, because Nobunaga Oda (1534-1582) plundered all the stones in the garden of Ginkaku-ji Temple to build Nijo Castle, most of the garden was rebuilt in the Edo period. However, this can be seen as karmic retribution--Because Yoshimasa had robbed all the nice stones from wonderful famous gardens and put them in the garden in the first place! After the stones were removed from the Ginkaku-ji garden by Nobunaga, the garden fell into disrepair. However, it was recreated by the Japanese feudal lord Miyagi Toyomori (1555-1620) and his grandchildren during the Edo period.


Here, you can see Ginkaku-ji’s special type of stone washbasin called "Ginkaku-ji-gata Chozubachi" on your left. It's just an ornament, built without function for only its beautiful shape. Ginshadan, Kogetsu-dai, and this ornament look like contemporary art. For example, I think the design of the ornament in particular is in an eternally modern style.


Next, I will talk about the strolling garden with pond. The name of this pond is Kinkyo-chi.There are two islands floating in the pond. Their names are "Sennin-su" and "Hakkaku-tou". Sennin-su floats in front of Ginkaku-ji Temple, and Hakkaku-tou in front of the monastery.


Hakkaku-tou is an example of a special type of island in Japanese gardens called tsuru-shima (crane island), thus named for its crane-like shape. There is a Sanzon-seki (an arrangement of three standing stones) arrangement on the island. Furthermore, next to the bridge called "Ryu-hai-kyo" there is also a kame-shima (an island shaped like a turtle). Before the Edo period, these motifs of a crane and a turtle represented the prayer for a long life, but since the Edo period these have became standard, perfunctory features of Japanese gardens, so I don't think they have that special meaning anymore.


This is the waterfall called "Sengetsu-sen". The characters used in the fountain’s name mean “mountain for washing the moon.” When the moon is projected to the fountain, the fountain water sounds as if it were washing the moon. I think the person who named it had a great sense for naming.


Today, I've told you about the Japanese garden at the Ginkaku-ji temple. It is said that Ginkaku-ji symbolizes Higashiyama culture, which features a nice balance of the samurai culture, the zen culture, and the noble culture of the time. Even though the garden was recreated during the Edo period, it still doesn’t clash with Higashiyama culture, and I think that it creates a nice match with the buildings of the Ginkaku-ji temple.


Because most of popular tourist attractions, such as walking around the garden, can be so tiring, I would like you to walk slowly. Also, I recommend that you put on comfortable shoes for climbing the hills.


Thank you.
