Reigen-in Temple 霊源院



Hello. Today, I am at Reigen-in Temple in Kyoto. A self-proclaimed Japanese garden girl, I will do my best to introduce the highlights of this garden as an amateur reporter.


Reigen-in Temple is a subsidiary of Kennin-ji Temple, located within the Kennin-ji Temple grounds. You can find it by walking up the path at the back of Kennin-ji Temple. Reigen-in Temple features a garden created by two grandsons of Kinsaku Nakane, the architect who created the Japanese gardens at the Adachi museum in Shimane prefecture, Ohori Park in Fukuoka prefecture, and many others. Reigen-in Temple’s garden just reached completion in May 2020.


The name of the garden is "Kakumei-kyukou," which is the name of one of the poems in the Shi Jing (Classic of Poetry), the oldest Chinese poem collection. It means "even if a great person hides himself away, his great deeds will exclaim his name to the wide world."


Let’s go see the garden together!


This garden, which is shaped like the letter "L", is a dry landscape garden. It represents the path through which Zen teaching went down from India via China to Japan. The part of the garden on the left hand side represents India, in the middle represents China, and on the right represents Japan.


This garden adheres fundamentally to Kinsaku Nakane’s characteristic, softer style, while still mixing in features of the traditional Japanese garden style. It is not a Japanese garden with a stiff, rigid touch, but instead creates a gentle atmosphere for its visitors. I too received such an impression coming to the garden myself..


Please observe the stone arrangement in the middle of the screen. It represents both Mt. Penglai and a waterfall. Mt. Penglai is a utopian island in Buddhist tradition. The stone in the front of the stone arrangement represents the ship of Shi Huangdi sailing to Mt. Penglai. An old Chinese legend states that there is an elixir for immortality on Mt. Penglai, and the Chinese emperor Shi Huangdi supposedly sent courtiers to the island to retrieve that elixir. Another section of the stone arrangement also symbolizes a waterfall, and the patterns in the white sand in front represent that water flowing into a river and reaching the ocean.


Also, you can see a stone representing a crane on the right hand side, and another that represents a turtle here on the left. These stones together mean hope for a long life, and are basic motifs of a traditional Japanese garden.


I think that this garden has a very refreshing touch, soft, and youthful. It also combines the traditional Japanese garden style with more modern-seeming artistic designs. Still, it refrains from ostentation or overstating, and has a nice sense of moderation. I think that it really lives up to the Chinese poem it was named for, and I believe it will get more popular over time.


In the past, Japanese art culture was influenced by the art culture of China. During Japan’s period of modernization in the 19th- early 20th century, it was impacted heavily by European and American cultures. However, right now Japan has stopped looking up to or imitating other cultures -- and in this new age redefining an independent Japanese identity, perhaps it is ancient Japanese artistic achievements like these we should look to appreciate and receive inspiration from.


Finally, there are a lot of cute flowers like these ones in the garden. These flowers are Amacha (lit. sweet tea), one of the varieties of hydrangea, a flower related to Buddhism. In the language of flowers, it expresses celebration. When the Buddha was born, Amacha tea was used for the newborn’s first bath.


Today, I've told you about the Japanese garden at Reigen-in Temple. The garden in front of the temple you see here was not made by Kinsaku Nakane, but still I think that it has a wonderful design. The two grandsons of Nakane are named Yukihiro and Naoki. I think that the two will create lots of beautiful Japanese gardens in the future, so I recommend that you check out their first work here!


Thank you.
