
My Role Model Essay: Make Your Future Bright

How Can You Define a Role Model

The goals that you are working towards someone has already achieved before, so you can learn a lesson from their experience and boost your motivation. In simple words, a role model is someone whose success, skills, mindset, and knowledge you want to emulate.

There is a difference, however, between having a role model and being influenced by someone. A role model is someone you consciously model yourself after. You admire the values they hold, their attitude towards life, their behavior, and their style, so you try to adopt some of the ways of that person. We cannot have more than one role model, be it our own parent, teacher, public or business figures, and even fictional characters or mythical figures.

On the other hand, we tend to get influenced by people we frequently interact with and who usually have some sort of power over us. Psychologists refer to them as ‘significant others’. They influence us without our conscious choice. Therefore, you can’t perceive them as your role models, even if you have taken some leaves out of their books. 

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How to Choose a Right Role Model

Having a role model will surely help you keep yourself on track and stay focused on reaching your goals and making your dreams come true. But only if we make the right choice! Be careful here, as it will affect the way you make decisions in your own life. Here are some tips which you will find useful:

Explore Yourself
The first question you should answer is: “Why do I need a role model?” The most common reason is to be motivated to accomplish everything you want. Figure out your weaknesses and strength. For example, make a list of habits you would like to change, enumerate your positive qualities, write down your goals, and then think of the thing you lack to achieve them. Thus, you will have the direction to move in.

Explore Others
Using the scheme you have made for yourself, analyze what person will be perfect to take as your role model. Don’t focus on the negative sides of him or her and try to see more positive things. His or her example should push you to action.

Look Up to Hard-Working People
One of the most important aspects is to find someone who is really into what they do. Productivity and diligence are essential traits to have, regardless of what you want to fulfill.

Find Some Differences
It might be easier to look up to someone who you can relate to and establish a connection with no effort. But this path cannot lead you to development and personal growth. That’s why you need to decide on someone who will be a bit different from you.

Don’t Copy
Sometimes people get carried away and start to wear the same clothes as their role model, take up the same activities, watch the same movies, etc. They just lose the sense of their own. These are the signs of unhealthy behavior, which can only get you so far! Treat your role models more like guides rather than instruction. Have your own opinion, even if it contradicts with that of your idol.

Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself
Accept your imperfection. Remember that any person has some flaws, even if it doesn’t seem so.

Watch a video down below, if you want more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UuVQ2F_kHw

Who Can Be Your Role Model

Of course, picking up your hero is only up to you. It can be everyone: from a pop star to a politician, from a cartoon character to a philanthropist, from a housewife to a famous businessman. We just want to share with you some great examples - you are free to choose for yourself!

Bill Gates
He developed his first computer program and later on founded Microsoft. By 1993 he was the richest man on the Earth! In the year 2000, he along with his wife started the world's largest charity the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It works towards eradicating polio and other deadly diseases from third world countries.

Martin Luther King Jr
A Baptist minister and a civil rights activist, he is remembered for his “I have a dream” speech he has campaigned aggressively against segregation of blacks in the southern United States. Being a stout follower of Gandhi, all his protesting methods were nonviolent. Though he was shot dead in the year 1968 he is still honored as a dignified resistor against an unjust society.

Albert Einstein
He was one of the most genius minds that has ever lived on the planet. Albert Einstein received the Nobel Peace Prize for his general theory of relativity in 1921. Even though he was a firm believer in pacifism, the United States asked him to develop the atomic bomb due to his successful scientific theories. A week before his death he wrote to a British philosopher and anti-nuclear campaigner Bertrand Russell to put his name on the manifesto urging all nations to give up the idea of enriching the destructive nuclear power.

Steve Jobs
Jobs was born in San Francisco to parents who gave him up for adoption. He had difficulty making friends and misbehaved at school. In 1976 he and his partner formed the company Apple. In 1984 the company introduced its new computer model the Macintosh which was a failure. Jobs was removed from the Macintosh group and became powerless within his own company but he didn't let him bring it down. Jobs hired a few former employees and started a new company called NeXT. In 1996 Apple purchased the software of NeXT for over 400 million dollars. Jobs returned to Apple and later became the CEO. Apple has turned into a huge success producing and selling popular products like iPod, iPhone, MacBook, and many more. When Jobs passed away, he left behind him a legacy that will last for years.

Role Model Habits

Successful people often have a similar set of habits, which makes them well-disciplined, organized, and productive. They can be applied to any area and any meaning of success. Try to incorporate at least some of them into your daily routine and you will see a significant improvement in your life quality!

1. waking up early - by starting each morning at 5 or 6 o’clock, you can add a few hours to your day to spend them on something useful;

2. treating failures like gold - losses are inevitable, and if you can learn a lesson from them, you will have great benefits and start moving towards your dreams faster;

3. reading every day - books and success go together like milk and honey because they put your brain on a mental treadmill, stimulating growth and fanning off diseases like dementia, improving your memory and upgrading your vocabulary, let alone enriching your knowledge about different subjects;
spending money - shift your focus from current expenses to potential profit, investing in your own bright future and taking calculated risks;

4. creative writing - it is a fantastic way to get inspired, gain clarity, develop the confidence you need to succeed, and explore your own story, by putting your life and perspectives on the paper;

5. mild active procrastination - prioritize the immediate responsibilities when you don’t feel like doing some important and long-lasting projects, but do not waste your time watching TV-shows and surfing the social networks;
networking - most successful people aren’t just good at their jobs, they are also brilliant networkers and communicators, which helps them accelerate their career.

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Now you have all the necessary information to find a great role model to follow and live up to your fullest potential. Never give up on self-improvement and setting new goals, because the sky is the limit!
