


1) 注意書き


2) 単語・表現

e.g.) My curiosity about epistemology moved from Locke to Hume to Kant.

What's epistemology?
the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion.
(from Oxford Languages)

straight away=すぐに
e.g.) The teacher told her students not to agree with a conclusion straight away.
*例文意は「早合点する」となっており、それは<jump to conclusions>と表現できます。

be well in with O=Oに信頼されている
e.g.) He is too well in with my girlfriend, which worries me a little.

shed (a) light on O=Oを解明する
e.g.) Taking a walk every morning helped her shed light on the problem.
*<throw (a) light on O>とも表現できる。

e.g.) In my opinion, research that is done in a haphazard way isn't actually research.

cut no ice with O=Oに全く影響を与えない
e.g.) The fact that his fart was heard by most students in a class cuts no ice with him.

fall in with O=Oに(しぶしぶ)同意する
e.g.) He always falls in with what she suggests; there seems to be a sort of hierarchy.
*G5による当表現の訳に「(しぶしぶ)〜」とありましたが、OLDでは"to agree to something"とあり、「しぶしぶ」という含みは表されていませんでした。最終決定には、コーパスなどで用例研究する必要があると思われますが。

run out of steam=勢いが衰える
e.g.) He was complaining to his wife bitterly, but after his mother-in-law showed up, he ran out of steam.
*<lose steam>とも表現できる。

get into gear=軌道に乗る
e.g.) His project getting into gear, he made a huge profit.

e.g.) The fact that he told a lie to me is of no consequence.
*「しばしば否定の後を伴う」(G5, p.451)

3) おわりに

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→ suketodara1868@gmail.com

4) 参考資料

・南出康世編集主幹 (2014)『ジーニアス英和辞典第5版』大修館書店
・Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)
・DeepL翻訳 [https://www.deepl.com/translator]
・Oxford Learner's Dictionary online ver  [https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/]
・SkELL: corpus examples for learning English
