

ICAO航空英語能力証明(実技)で、試験官からごちゃごちゃした6コマ絵カードを手渡されました。ChatGPT航空から受験したCapt.GPTは、1コマずつ凝視しながら”The flight crew are looking at the destination airport and its surrounding area. It is a stormy weather with embedded thunderstorms. If I closely observe the wind direction on the approach course, the runway threshold, factory chimneys and smoke on the field, the wind directions vary from place to place.”と答えました。

試験官から”Under such conditions, what can pilots expect to be potential threats to flight safety?”と問われ、Capt.GPTは"I suspect that such weather conditions may lead to a microburst."とすぐさま答えました。

すると試験官から"Could you briefly explain a microburst in terms of flight safety?"と深堀りして尋ねられました。

Capt.GPTは"A microburst is a localized column of sinking air that is associated with thunderstorms. It can create a sudden and powerful downdraft of air that can cause hazardous and potentially catastrophic wind shear to aircraft in flight. This rapid change in wind direction and speed can cause severe turbulence and can even cause loss of control of the aircraft. For this reason, microbursts are considered a major safety hazard for aircraft in flight and are closely monitored by aviation authorities."と応じました。

次に試験官は、"If pilot encounterd a microburst during approch descend to the destination airport, what are good decision makings for flight safety?"と問うてきました。


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