
wow, Mount is awesome!!

I've been reading a book written by a Japanese engineer who works at Microsoft. It discusses how to progress as an engineer. However, the principles can be applied generally, so I've noted down some points today.

Understanding: Even highly intelligent people spend a lot of time understanding things. So, don't be upset and take your time to comprehend what's happening, whether it's a system, code, etc. When understanding, visualization, which I will discuss in the next section, is a deep aid.

Decision Making: Don't procrastinate; try to complete tasks promptly. We often avoid immediate decisions and delay choices. Then, we take these issues home, spending excessive time on them. Try to resolve problems as quickly as possible.

Visualization: Visualizing in your head and grasping the structure of a system is crucial. You don't need to read all the code or understand every detail. Moreover, picturing the structure and understanding the system's flow is necessary.

Communication: While listening to a story, try to explain things to others. This way, you can more readily understand what they are discussing and remember it. Additionally, visualization and imagination help in understanding.

Now, I want to note some takeaways from my personal project I'm currently working on.

Mount: Mounting is connecting one device with another to allow access. I am using Docker to create a specific environment for the application and trying to develop it on another machine node. I asked ChatGPT, and the answer is here: use mount to let the container access local files cloned from GitHub. This way, I can modify files in the specific environment within the container and update codes on GitHub. For development, just remake the image with a Dockerfile referenced from the previous Dockerfile.
Problem solved.
