/ vs // in Python
例: 5 / 2 → 2.5
例: 5 // 2 → 2
Divide and Conquer によるべき乗の計算
2^10 -> 2^5 * 2^5 -> 2 * 2^2 * 2^2ベースケースを設定してdivide and conqerでlognの計算量でpowを求めることができる。
10/15 io
AWS SAA 試験に関する説明
結果整合性 vs 強い整合性
結果整合性: データが書き換えられた後、すぐには反映されず、一時的に整合性が崩れることがありますが、最終的には整合性が保たれます。これは高い可用性やスケーラビリ
class Solution: def findMin(self, nums: List[int]) -> int: l, r = -1, len(nums) while r - l > 1: m = (l + r) // 2 if nums[m] <= nums[-1]: r = m else: l = m
LeetCode (Kadane's Algorithm):
Kadane’s Algorithm is used for finding the maximum sum subarray in a given array. The core idea is to keep track of whether the current subarray has a positive or negative sum:
If the subarray sum is positiv
su (switch user): This command allows you to switch to another user in a session. It can be used to switch to the root user or any other user by providing their credentials. For example, su - switches you to the root user, while su username
To realize that a problem should be approached by Dynamic Programming (DP), you can consider the following indicators:
Maximization or Minimization:
If the problem asks for the maximum or minimum result (e.g., "Find the longest path," "ma