鯉川 慧


鯉川 慧






    • 再生



      • 再生

        王子動物園70周年特番!29日17時からライブ配信 パンダのタンタン未公開最新映像も


        • 備忘録

          「青春とは人生の或る期間を言うのではなく、 心のもち方を言う。 薔薇の面差し、紅の唇、しなやかな手足ではなく、 たくましい意志、豊かな想像力、燃える情熱をさす。 青春とは人生の深い泉の清新さを言う。 青春とは臆病さを退ける勇気、 安きにつく気持ちを振り捨てる冒険心を意味する。 ときには、20歳の青年よりも60歳の人に青春がある。 年を重ねただけで人は老いない。 理想を失う時に初めて老いる。 歳月は皮膚にしわを増すが、 熱情は、失えば心はしぼむ。 苦悶や・恐怖・失望により気力




          コロナ禍で未曾有の危機に直面している神戸の老舗ライブハウスのチキンジョージを存続させるクラウドファウンディングが本日正午からスタートしました。びわ湖ホールの沼尻監督が以前記者会見で「文化や芸術は水道の蛇口ではない。いったん止めてしまうと、次にひねっても水はでない。」と述べたとおり、ライブも決して止めてはいけません。このプロジェクトはチキンジョージならではのユニークなリターンもございます。震災を乗り越えた不死鳥チキンジョージには、必ずここから這いあがって欲しい。神戸から貴重な音楽シーンを失わないためにも、ぜひサイトをご覧いただけますと幸いです。 https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/413289



          My dearest friend is gone.

          I'm sad and can't do anything about it because just the other day we talked about restarting the TV show. But when I look back at the photos of my memories, I feel like they are saying, "Sphinx, don't be sad! But when I look back at the pho

          My dearest friend is gone.

          Today is the anniversary of my father-in-law's death.

          When my wife and I got married, my father-in-law had already passed away and we have never actually met him. If he had been alive, I would have liked to share a cup with him and hear his stories. Also, my wife has never met my mother, and i

          Today is the anniversary of my father-in-law's death.

          It's almost been three years since the wedding party.

          This is a picture of our wedding party held about three years ago at Chicken George, a long-established live music venue in Kobe. Every time I look at this photo, I am reminded that I am here today because of the support of so many people.

          It's almost been three years since the wedding party.

          Emergency measures have finally been initiated!

          Since we are under a declared state of emergency from today until May 11, I avoided the crowds and took a walk with my children in the neighborhood. Then I went to pick up a scarf that my wife forgot at the supermarket yesterday, and other

          Emergency measures have finally been initiated!

          I went to the preview of ANCHOR KOBE.

          I went to the preview of ANCHOR KOBE, which will open in the Kobe Sannomiya Hankyu Building on April 26.This facility is managed by our company and aims to be a center of exchange to create innovation from Kobe.Our company, the operator of 

          I went to the preview of ANCHOR KOBE.

          That's the view from my desk!

          I always try to innovate here. Now I'm preparing for a test match to explore the possibilities of live commerce. A day is polished by work. Think about it, do it, and if the results follow, great. That's it for today!

          That's the view from my desk!

          Government decides to declare a state of emergency on the 23rd.

          Hyogo prefecture announced  that 563 people have been newly infected with the new coronavirus.And in the afternoon, requested the government to declare a third state of emergency for the new coronavirus. More attention to infection control

          Government decides to declare a state of emergency on the 23rd.

          Guess what?it's the forth day!!

          I left work early, came back home.And gave my son a bath.he has gotten  a lot better now.That's all for today!! 

          Guess what?it's the forth day!!

          Somehow the third day!!

          Although I don't last in doing almost anything , this is the third day. I thoroughly took counter measures against the corona virus. And I went out to eat with my seniors after a long time.I'm tired, so let's call it a day!! 

          Somehow the third day!!

          Started keeping a English dairy yesterday!!

          My son has had a high fever for a few days,but the fever has gone down last night.And,I'm worried that my son has no appetite.I wish my dearest baby wil be able to eat tomorrow.

          Started keeping a English dairy yesterday!!

          My son has a fever!!

          I will write a diary in English from today.I took my son to the hospital today.Because my son has had a fever for a few days.The result of the examination was streptococcus.I'm glad it wan't corona infection.I want my son to get better soon

          My son has a fever!!