English diary 【20th time】

●Before correction by Chat GBT
Today is Thursday. I'm writing English diary after a long time. 
Lately, I'm keeping remain high motivation to work out. So, I'm in pretty good shape.
Last saturday, I played futsal with colleagues in the company. 
I was very enjoyed, but I was very hungry and very tired at the time.
Because I can't study English and programming, I want to take it seriously those and workout.
Thank you for reading 20th English diary.  

After correction by Chat GBT
Today is Thursday. I'm writing an English diary after a long time. Lately, I've been keeping my motivation to work out high, so I'm in pretty good shape. Last Saturday, I played futsal with colleagues from the company. I really enjoyed it, but I was very hungry and very tired afterward. Because I haven't been able to study English and programming, I want to take those seriously along with working out. Thank you for reading my 20th English diary entry.

Summary of corrections

  1. "I'm writing English diary after a long time."

    • Correction: "I'm writing an English diary after a long time."

    • Explanation: The article "an" is needed before "English diary" to make the sentence grammatically correct.

  2. "Lately, I'm keeping remain high motivation to work out."

    • Correction: "Lately, I've been keeping my motivation to work out high."

    • Explanation: The correct tense is the present perfect continuous ("I've been keeping") to indicate an ongoing action. "My motivation" is clearer than "remain high motivation."

  3. "Last saturday, I played futsal with colleagues in the company."

    • Correction: "Last Saturday, I played futsal with colleagues from the company."

    • Explanation: "Saturday" should be capitalized. "From the company" is more idiomatic than "in the company."

  4. "I was very enjoyed, but I was very hungry and very tired at the time."

    • Correction: "I really enjoyed it, but I was very hungry and very tired afterward."

    • Explanation: "Very enjoyed" should be "really enjoyed it." "Afterward" is more appropriate than "at the time."

  5. "Because I can't study English and programming, I want to take it seriously those and workout."

    • Correction: "Because I haven't been able to study English and programming, I want to take those seriously along with working out."

    • Explanation: "Can't" should be "haven't been able to" to indicate ongoing inability. "Take those seriously" is more correct than "take it seriously those." "Working out" is clearer than "workout" in this context.

  6. "Thank you for reading 20th English diary."

    • Correction: "Thank you for reading my 20th English diary entry."

    • Explanation: Adding "my" and "entry" makes the sentence more complete and natural.
