
お昼寝をする人は遺伝子で決まっている!?Day-time napping might be determined by the genetics.

アメリカのハーバード大学の関連医療機関であるマサチューセッツ総合病院がNature Communicationsという論文誌にお昼寝の頻度は遺伝子に関連しているという研究結果を報告しました。
マサチューセッツ総合病院は、スペインにあるムルシア大学と共同研究を行い、たくさんの遺伝子と昼寝の頻度の関係性を調べました。この研究ではUK Biobankという452,633人もの遺伝子情報が載っているデータバンクの情報を使い、たくさんの人々に昼寝の頻度を回答してもらいました。ゲノムワイド関連解析(GWAS)というゲノムの遺伝子型を決定し疾患などとの関連をしらべる統計方法を使い、123の遺伝子が昼寝に関係していることが分かりました。
1. 睡眠傾向―ほかの人よりも目を閉じていなければいけない時間が長い人がいる
2. 睡眠障害―昼寝をすることで前夜のあまり質の良くない眠りの分を補う
3. 早朝の目覚め―朝早く目覚める人は昼寝をすることで、朝遅く起きて昼寝をしない人の睡眠時間に追いつこうとしている

Massachusetts General Hospital which is affiliated with Harvard University has published a research journal in a journal called Nature Communications about the relationship between genetics and the tendency to nap during the day.
Massachusetts General Hospital collaborated with University of Murcia in Spain to research the relationship using UK Biobank which contains genetic information from 452,633 individuals and comparing those genetic information with the survey answered by participants about the napping. Those data were then analysed using Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) which compares the whole genome and the tendency to sleep to statistically find out the correlation. From this experiment, it was revealed that 123 regions of genomes were related to napping including the ones that were already identified before.
From those things, researchers proposed 3 different mechanisms behind the day-time napping.
1. Sleep propensity – some people may require longer time when the eyes are closed
2. Disrupted sleep – some people may nap to compensate for the poor quality of sleep from the evening before
3. Early morning awakening – some people may wake up early but try to catch up with the amount of sleep the really need
From this statistical research, napping is not just about the environment and individual’s choice, but biological components could also play an important role. By applying those research data, we might be able to develop some personalised treatment or come up with personalised recommendations for the sleep.

論文を読みたい方はこちらから!If anyone interested in the paper, have a look at it using the link →https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-20585-3
