
Otsukimi,moon viewing

English Broadcasting below:

Hello, everyone. How are you today? It's Teacher Asuka.

Today is a day when we can see the most beautiful moon in a year due to be a clear air. We call it 'Juugoya',or 'Otsukimi', the moon festival. Even if time changes, the beauty of the moon never change.

People in Japan used to enjoy seeing the beautiful moon from old days, however, it is said that they came to enjoy it as an event for noble people in Heian period, while it had been celebrated by ordinary people in Edo period.

The origin is a traditional Chinese Event, so to speak, 'Chushusetsu.' People in China pray for good harvest, enjoy eating round shaped ones like watermelon as well as sweet round-shaped rice cakes called 'Geppei 'or so on with their family. It's a typical custom for Chinese people.

Otsukimi,moon viewing

These kind of things had been imported in Japan and became a moon viewing event with offerings.

Therefore, the meaning of 'Otsukimi', moon viewing is not only just seeing beautiful moon but appreciating good harvest and autumn festival for the coming year.

If it is not easy for you to be ready for the offerings for Otsukimi, it might be cool to decorate autumn flowers like silver grass on the window and look up the beautiful autumn moon at this time of year.

Thank you for joining me as usual.

See you next time!

Teacher Asuka
