
SPORT大特集/Best France Lyon Emotive Band Ever


ただ、彼らについての記事やインタビューは、英語やフランス語でもなかなか見当たらず(Wayback Machineで見つけたのが数件・・・)、北半球で夏が始まる今こそ聞いて欲しい彼らの音楽が届ききっていない気がした。




確かにファーストアルバムのColorsではAlgernon Cadwalladerを担当したこともあるフィラデルフィアManiac MansionのRyan Schwabeにマスタリングを依頼するなど、エモリバイバルへの正統的な愛を感じる。Snowingや、Latterman などの名前も飛び出すような音楽性。




English Translation Ver


SPORT, a band from Lyon, France, suddenly announced their reunion on Facebook .And they are currently performing live in Europe and suddenly started distributing past music on their subscription service.
But It's hard to find articles or interviews with them even in English or French (I only found a few on the Wayback Machine...), and I felt like that their music is not lisend now 、But Their sound match the summer  starting in the northern hemisphere.
I played in a cover band of theirs and saw their performance live in Japan in 2017, So I would like to contribute in some small way to summarizing their charm on my blog. The photo and the record I got signed at that time are family heirlooms.

What is SPORT? 

First of all, before I explain it in text, I would like you to watch this video.

sparkling guitar, a punkish yet lively rhythm section, and an emotional melody that even leads to a chorus. The Best!!Their sound have all joy of punk music

A French four-piece band that released their first demo in 2011, they continue to do independent DIY activities. If we were to classify their music into genres, their music would be categorized as Emotive Punk (and its revival), a genre derived from hardcore punk that began in the 1980s. It's true that for their first album, Colors, they asked Ryan Schwabe of Maniac Mansion in Philadelphia, who had previously worked with Algernon Cadwallader to do the mastering, And you can feel their genuine love for Emori Revival. The musicality makes names like Snowing and Latterman pop out.

However, its musical organization and development ability can be felt as being influenced by post-rock, jazz, and minimal music.and there are times when it explodes with emotion, and other times when it is warm and heartful、And they create developments that are very conscious of the dynamics of the entire song. (I remember in an interview I read a while back that they mentioned being influenced by music that is not so-called rock music, such as minimal music...I can't find the article.)

Above all, although the genre tends to draw attention to the beauty and lyricism of their guitar arpeggios, I think their greatest appeal is their indignity, muddy sullenness, and irresistible heat. A pure sound that reminds me of the feeling I had when I picked up a guitar for the first time or when I was hopelessly riding my bike by myself. This may also be due to the clumsiness of their activities in France, taking a music genre centered on the United States. Fast, melodic, and cool! This is the music you want to hear in your earphones during the summer when all sorts of unpleasant things happen.

Discography,My Favorite 

They have released three albums, one demo, and one compilation album. Two of the albums and the demo sound source are collected through various subscriptions, so I selected 10 recommended songs and created a playlist. Listen everyone! Then They'll probably come back to Japan again!
