Ernest Berk exhibition

シンガポールの帰り道、偶然出会ったさやかさんという女性がGroup Aというユニットをしており、彼女が演奏するというダンスのショウを見てきた。Ernest Berkという人の作品であるらしい。ドイツ人と英国人との間に生まれたBerkは1933年にドイツでユダヤ人の妻Lotteとともにダンスの学校を開設したが、共産主義者としてナチスに激しく迫害され、妻の表現を禁止された翌年、英国に亡命した。Berkは非欧州圏の宗教から大きな影響を受け英国において自身のパフォーマンス以外にもテレビや映画や音楽など縦横に活動した。
最後のパフォーマンスはgroup Aの演奏に合わせて全てのダンサーは裸で踊るというものだったが、はじめ手を繋いで輪になっている一群が分散しそれぞれがばらばらに動いたり、あるいは何人かが同じ動きをしたりする。そしてその動きには音楽が関係する。関係する、というのは音楽が踊りを主導するのではなく、演奏も踊りに導かれるということで、主客が常に入れ替われる理由は演奏者とダンサーの力量にある。裸であるということは自己の、ダンサー個々人の実存へ近づく試みであり忘我は祝祭である。我々はリーダーのいない集団の有機的な結合としての踊りと音楽を見ており、それは個にして全、全にして個であるという東洋思想にも通奏する。

On way back from Singapore, coincidentally I met Sayaka who is a member of the unit called Group A.
After returning Berlin, I visited to the dance exhibition that she played violin with dancers. 
The choreography is by Ernest Berk. He was born between German and British parents. In 1933, he founded a dance school in Germany with his wife Lotte who was also dancer and Jewish.  However, they were persecuted by Nazi as Communist, then in 1934, his wife was banned to express in Germany and they relocated in Great Britain.
He was influenced with so many non-European dancers and his action was not only dance but TV and films.
 This time, the dancers tried to reproduce Berk's choreography but it was difficult because there are few material of his works.
When I saw the exhibition, their body were beautiful but nonetheless I felt the limitation of body. They seemed to try to extend the limitation of their body simply because they know it. also their challenge seemed to express how to advance and how should advance of human society in our history.
The last performance was whole naked dancers with the music of Group A. At the beginning, dancers gathered hand in hand. when it progresses, they were straggling and gathering repeatedly. the music and the dance led each other and their skill made it flexible.
Whole naked means that they try to close to their real existence and self-oblivion means celebration.
We saw the dance as voluntary and organic relationship without selected leader. it's also common Orient thought like " one is all, all is one"   
After the show, I was impressed with the modesty of dancers. it was the moment that I knew how to think about their life who selected the one time art-dance.
