
Strangely I want to cook somehow during tour.
I can spend less money, if I cook by myself with kitchen utensils, in case there are some in provided room to sleep. And I feel better as well, if I do what I am used to do.
It is also fun looking for ingredients that can be used for my menu. I made a fish soup with a fish soup bag brought from Japan and mashroom that I bought in supermarket.
On the last day in Italy we played in Florence that was the tour starting point. It’s a city with a population of 0.7 million and one of the most eminet italian cities of which the ground prices are high. In center there are many cars parked on the streets and they look like they would be only half wider than how they really are.
Andrea who ggig in Rome and his girlfriend visited me again.

今回は"べ"と書かれたステッカーを持ってきているがそれがなかなか評判がいい。ライブ後に初老の夫婦に声をかけられて、この文字はヘブライ語のvにそっくりだと教えてもらう。The stickers with the japanese character “べ(be)” which we brought this time are favorable. After the gig an aged couple talked to me. They said the sign “べ” resembles the Hebric “v” very much.
Hebric “v” looks like “へ” turned 45 degrees clockwise. How they said, “べ” and Hebric “v”are really similar are round so I had to tell in which position they have to be put on.
What I am often asked about is which letter in the 3 different kinds of japanese letters, namely hiragana, katakana and kanji, is used for newspaper.
In fact they want to know which letter is used in formal occasion. It was surprising me that in this way they try distinguish amang the letters. The history that hiragana is used in narrative is not very long. Before and in WW2 katakana was used, but after the war ended people prefered to use hiragana more often because of the dark image of propaganda. As a result we use the 3 letters for different things. So if questioned so for example in the war time, the answer can be katakana and kanji were used in newspaper. By the way hiragana started to be taught systematically also after the war.
I guess since then Japanese replace the sound of foreign words with the sound of japanese language which are not really many. I often say foreign words with lisp, because my tongue doesn’t move as it has to. As beginner who learns foreign language it can be important to think of mother language. And if someone ask me a question about it, I feel I have to be able to explain this correctly in foreign language.
