Residual Thoughts

Some people say "The deceased lives in our memories" ………but,is it real story?

Organisms are designed to multiply their species,so they fear something that is disrupting their multiplying….that is death. We fear injuries and deseases because they cause death,so the most terrifying thing is death. Suicide is a special act. We can live without heavy labor in modern times so some people think "Living fear is the most terrifying thing".
Anyway,creatures fear death, and people fear it even more.
I think darkness is a fear common all mankind because it is unkown. We don`t know if a monster will appear,or if something unimaginable will happpen, and what will happen to us as a result. Life and death are like two sides of one coin, and as long as er live,we don't know what will happen to us when we die. The fear of darkness and the fear of of death are the same. The more we live, the more life becoms known and believable. On the other hand,these make us more confused about what death means.
Because of this,people fear daeath,but they must overcome it in order to live. The way is faith to something.
The concepts of heaven and hell are found throughout the world. This is probably structure(in a structuralist sense) of the world. It is an attempt to overcome  death with faith,and a story "The deceased lives in our memories" is same doing.
We never understand others 100%.This is why we have different evaluations after someone dies,such as "He was a good guy" or "He was a jerk". The deseased in someone's memories is evaluated according  to individual values based on not 100% informations that are obtained from his/her an appearance before death. It is no longer the original appearance of The deceased,and it is part of a living because it desappears when the living who remenbers him/her dies.
So,do we end all when we die?
Yes,but we can believe that the world exists after our death,and we can strive while we are alive to some kind of impact. The stronfer our faith,or our attachement to life,the more we can believe that the world exists after death. And if we act to do something,good or bad,to the living,we can leave behind Materials(Works) and Actions(Events) that come from our thoughts even after die. And we can influence from them to the world, and our influence can be strengthened by our efforts before we die.

I don't think I can live as 100% of myself in someone's memories after death. But we can exert influence, and the source of that influence is our own personality So I think I can live only a some percentage of a particular kind of way in some people's memories.

I can't do anything in a dream.
But I can make an effort to have a good sleep before go to bed.
