












The Continuation of Exploring around Stores in Ichijoji

When we are serving customers at the cash register, they are often asking us like that,

"Do you have any recommendation stores around here?"

For having a lunch, dinner, café, exploring bookstores, enjoying shopping...

Number of stores they are looking for are as many as the number of people who are asking us.


By the way, our store will celebrate the 50th anniversary in next year.

After so many years of running the store in Ichijoji, there are not a few people who visit us for the first time in decades, or who come here for the first time at last.

When they are getting a fresh and nostalgic feelings, we are thinking that there are a huge significant meanings of continuing to run the store for a long time in here.

Towns are created by people and that land. Some things are changing with the passage of time, other things are remaining.

In some years ago, there was a web content which our staff introduced stores in the neighborhood named ”Exploring around stores in Ichijoji”.

Since then, it’s been a years. So we thought we'd like to introduce our neighborhood again from our new perspective. It’s named "The Continuation of Exploring around Stores in Ichijoji".

We would be happy if people who visit to our store could enjoy the atmosphere of our town.

We hope to introduce a mixture of long-established and new places. Please bear with us.
