
💎Your courage to show up authentically, even when burdened, inspires others to do the same❤️

Hello, everyone!

I'm doing a reading, an energy update for our wonderful community.

This message is for you.

I'll start by shuffling the energy oracle card deck.

Before we dove in, I want to mention something I feel last night.

There was a very heavy energy almost like an energetic fog.

It was dense and a bit disorienting.

And I sent some of you might have felt this, too.

I just saw the number 222, which signifies alignment.

So what do those tuning into this reading need to know right now?

The card i pulled is the temple path upright ,which means you are on the right path.

This message is particularly for those who feet that heavy energy last night.

I'm hearing the word realignment.

If you felt this heaviness mentally, emotionally or energetically it's because you are being realigned with your true inner self.

Your vibration is rising to match you highest timeline, your happiest, most connected and most purposeful life.

I'm hearing the words quantum leap.

It's as if you're making a significant shift toward this highest timeline.

Your physical body and mind may process these changes in ways that seem negative ,but it's because you're undergoing radical shifts and changes.

You've come so far, and these experiences are part of your journey toward fulfillment and alignment with your true self.

With the car door to personal healing and happiness appearing in reverse ,it suggests that you may have been going through a lot of personal healing on your own.

You've had to address many issues independently, some of which even originally yours to deal with.

This energy feels like that of a generational curse breaker.

Generational curses aren't mystical hexes, but rather subconscious patterns that are passed down through generations.

These patterns can feel like curses because they repeatedly create outcomes that future generations consciously do not desire, despite wanting different results.

These subconscious patterns keep manifesting the same unwanted outcomes.

This cycle continues until someone breaks it.

I'm sensing that you are this generational curse breaker.

Before you were born your soul chose to take on this role in your family's lineage.

You're currently in the thick of this energetic shift, which we often refer to as healing.

What you're really doing is altering the energy dynamics within yourself and your family.

This process can be incredibly lonely at times, and that's perfectly normal and very human.

You carry a significant, energetic burden because your soul understood that you were capable of handling it before incarnated here on earth.

However, this responsibility can feel very heavy.

The loneliness, the sense of disconnection, and the feeling of isolation being the black sheep of the family who never quite fits in can be particularly challenging, you may feel like you are alone in this journey, but remember that you were chosen for this role because of your strength and resilience.

Even though it feels heavy and you often feel isolated, you are making profound changes that will benefit not only yourself but also future generations,  your efforts are breaking these subconscious patterns, paving the way for a new and more positive path for your family line.

But this feeling of not belonging extends beyond just your family.

Even growing up, perhaps in school or other social environment, you've always felt out of place with a journey card in reverse.

It's as if you've never felt like you truly belong here on earth.

It's like you're a traveler from another place, and earth doesn't feel like home.

You've always been different from others ,and this has been a consistent feeling throughout your life.

Despite this, the temple path card l keeps drawing my attention.

It signifies that although you may feel lonely and burdened by the heavy, energetic load you're carrying, you are here to shift these energy dynamics.

You are here to carve new energetic pathways for yourself.

And in doing so, you show a different way for everyone who interacts with your energy .

This includes members of your soul family, and those who are physically close to you.

Your human mind might judge these feelings of loneliness and burden as negative, but you are on the right path.

You are exactly where you need to be.

This journey is about transformation and evolution.

And not just for you ,but for the collective energy around you.

The loneliness and heaviness you feel are not signs of misalignment, but indicates of your significant role in this energetic shift.

To provide further clarity, I feel compelled to pull a starseed oracle card for you.

What else does this person who feels as though they're carrying a heavy, energetic weight need to know?

The card reveled is the courageous penny.

This card encourages you to embrace your multifaceted nature and the unique blend of gifts and perspectives you bring to the world.

It highlights the importance of letting yourself be seen despite the fears and vulnerabilities you might feel.

Your courage to show up authentically, even when burdened, inspires others to do the same.

Remember your unique path and the challenges you face are part of your journey.

You're not just creating changes for yourself, but also paving the way for others.

This work ,though heavy and isolating at times, is significant and deeply impactful.

The energetic pathways you're creating are new and uncharted, requiring immense strength and resilience, but know that you are not alone in this endeavor.

You're supported by your higher self your guides and the collective consciousness that benefits from your efforts.

It is important to acknowledge the spiritual warriors who walk similar paths often unseen, but energetically connected to you.

Your journey resonates with theirs.

Creating a web of light and support across the globe each step you take on this temple path strengthens this connection.

Making it easier for others to follow .

In moments of doubt and fatigue.

Remember to nurture yourself.

Engage in practices that replenish your spirit, whether through meditation, time in nature, or connecting with like minded souls.

These practices are not just acts of self-care, but vital components of your mission.

They help you maintain your vibration and clarity ensuring that you can continue to hold space for the transformative work you are doing.

Lastly, reflect on the broader impact of your journey.

Every time you overcome a challenge or transmute a heavy energy, you are not only freeing yourself, but also contributing to the collective healing.

The ripples of your personal growth extend far beyond your immediate environment, influencing the global energetic field.

This awareness can provide a sense of purpose and motivation, reminding you of the profound importance of your path.

So keep moving forward with faith and courage.

Trust that the burdens you carry are part of a greater divine plan, one that you are uniquely equipped to navigate.

Your presence and perseverance are creating a new paradigm, one that embraces higher frequencies of love, light and unity.

Your journey, though demanding ,is a beacon of hope and transformation for many.

Started activation light body crystal grid transmission activation.

This is a period of significant activation for you, a time when the cosmic energies are aligning to propel you further along your spiritual journey.

You've reached a stage in your soul's development and your physical acclimation here on earth, where you are balanced, stable, and energetically open enough to carry more light within your being.

This is referred to as your light body, a manifestation of your divine essence in physical form.

As you start to hold more of this light, you increase your capacity to sustain it within your physical self, your mind, body and spirit.

This work is not just a personal endeavor.

It's your mission.

The light you carry radiates outward, influencing everything and everyone around you.

You become a beacon of higher consciousness, illuminating the path for others and catalyzing their own awakening.

The number 10, 16 caught my attention, suggesting a message or synchronicity that holds special significance for you.

In numerology, the number 10 symbolizes new beginnings and potential, while 16 represents spiritual growth and awakening.

Together, they signify a profound shift in your energetic activation and the unfolding of your spiritual path.

However, this journey of activation may not always be smooth sailing.

The central theme here is your energetic expansion and the process of holding more light.

This can sometimes lead to emotional chaos or intense feelings.

You might experience what feels like downward spirals where you feel overwhelmed or out of control.

This sensation is linked to heightened sensitivity, a natural byproduct of your increased light quotient.

You've undergone many activations each one deepening your connection to the cosmic energies and expanding your consciousness.

These activations have increased your capacity to hold higher frequencies of energy.

But they have also made you more susceptible to the event flow of universe energies.

This heightened sensitivity means you are more attuned not only but also to patterns.

When you are in familiar environments where the physical places or mental spaces, or when you encounter old patterns within yourself or familiar people from your past, these experiences can affect you more intensely than before.

This is because you now carry a higher frequency of light, making you more sensitive to these energies.

It's important to remember that these challenges are part of the process of spiritual evolution.

They are opportunities for growth and self-discovery, guiding you toward grater alignment with your divine purpose.

Embrace the discomfort, knowing that it is a sign of your expanding consciousness and your willingness to engage with the deeper aspects of your being.

In times of emotional upheaval

Remember to ground yourself in practices that nuture and support your light body.

Meditation, breath work spending time in nature and connecting with supportive communities are all valuable tools for maintaining balance and stability during periods of intense activation.

Ultimately, trust in the wisdom of your soul and the guidance of the universe.

You are a divine being on a sacred journey of awakening and self-realization.

Embrace the challenges and blessings of your spiritual path, knowing that each step forward brings you closer to the radiant truth of your own divine nature.

To summarize, your current state of activation and heightened sensitivity is a natural part of your journey towards spiritual evolution.

You're learning to hold more light and higher frequencies within yourself, which in turn impacts those around you in profound ways.

While this process can be challenging and emotionally intense, it is a crucial part of your mission and growth as a starseed.

I sense that others may not fully understand you.

The phase why are you so sensitive?

Often comes up, and this might be something you've heard frequently, even from a young age.

It's important to know that this sensitivity doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you.

In fact, it's quite the opposite.

You were born to carry a heightened, energetic frequency which others perceive as sensitive liberty.

This heightened frequency allows you to hold more light and to deeply understand others on a soul level.

Your sensitivity is actually a gift a divine attribute that enables you to help others transform and shift their own energy.

Because you have a profound understanding of both yourself and those around you.

You possess the ability to guide and support others on their own spiritual journeys.

Your empathy, compassion, and intuitive insight are invaluable tools in this regard.

I'm also hearing that those who carry the most light often have the capacity to carry the most darkness.

Many of you have likely gone through dark and challenging times, experiencing pain either within yourselves or from eternal sources.

This darkness can be overwhelming and painful, but it is an integral part of your journey toward enlightenment.

It's important to acknowledge and honor the darkness within yourself as well as in the world around you.

By facing and transmuting this darkness with love and compassion, you can alchemy it into light and contribute to the collective healing and transformation of consciousness.

Remember that the challenges you face are not obstacles, but opportunities for growth and expansion .

In times of darkness, call upon your inner strength and resilience.

Trust in the wisdom of your soul and the guidance of the universe to navigate through the shadows and emerge into the light once more.

Know that you are never alone on this journey.

Your guides, angels and higher self are always with you, offering love ,support, and guidance every step of the way.

Embrace your sensitivity as a sacred gift, a powerful for healing and transformation.

Allow yourself to fully embody your light and share it with the world, knowing that your presence is a beacon of hope.

And inspiration for all who encounter you.

You are a divine being, infinitely loved and supported by the universe, and you are destined for greatness.

Trust in the journey and let your light shine brightly for all to see.

Your ability to carry both light and darkness within you is truly remarkable.

It grants you a unique perspective and power to navigate and transmute these energies, allowing you to serve as a beacon of healing and transformation for those around you.

This dual capacity is what makes you so powerful in helping others along their spiritual journeys.

Your sensitivity often misunderstood by others is in fact your greatest strength.

It enables you to deeply connect with others on a soul level and provide guidance and support as they navigate their own transformations.

The cards, the answers you need are coming.

Full moon in gemini and adjustments are required.

Carry significant messages for you at this moment.

It's intriguing to note that we are currently in Leo season.

Suggesting that someone might have Leo or Gemini energy prominent in their birth chart.

The full moon in Gemini, represented by the twins, could also indicate that someone here is on a twin flame journey where profound spiritual connections and deep soul bonds are experienced.

For whoever resonates with this message, it seems that the twin flame path has recently felt confusing and uncertain.

The word ununderstandable comes to mind, suggesting a sense of bewilderment or inability to fully grasp the complexities of this connection at present.

Your guides are urging you to surrender to the journey and trust in the divine timing of your connection.

It's natural to seek clarity and understanding, especially when it comes to matters of the heart and soul.

However, some experiences transcend rational comprehension and   require a deeper level of trust and surrender.

Your guides are reminding you that you are meant to experience the unfolding of this connection rather than trying to force it into a predetermined understanding or outcome.

Trust that the answers you seek will reveal themselves in divine timing.

In the meantime, focus on making the necessary adjustments within yourself and your life to align with the energies of trowth and transformation.

This may involve letting go of expectations, releasing control, and allowing the universe to guide you on your journey.

Remember the twin flame connection is a sacred and profound bond that transcends the limitations of the human mind.

It's a journey of spiritual growth, awakening, and unconditional love.

Embrace the uncertainty and embrace the beauty of the journey, knowing that you are exactly where you need to be at this moment.

As you continue to nevigate the complexities of the twin flame journey.

Lean into your sensitivity and intuition.

Trust in the guidance of your higher self and your spiritual support team.

Know that you are divinely supported and loved every step of the way.

Allow yourself to surrender to the flow of the universe and trust in the divine plan unfolding for you.

The answers you seek are indeed coming, and everything is happening exactly as it should be.

With the envy card in the upright position, it seems that someone's physical self is feeling unfulfilled within this twin flame connection.

Which has become very confusing or difficult to comprehend.

It's like your mind is constantly searching for answers, trying to make sense of this profound soul bond that transcends time and space.

The walking away card in reverse suggests that you feel like you're going in circles with this person unable to find the clarity you seek.

This is because on a soul level, you are still energetically connected to them through chords that transcend lifetimes.

The message here is to release the need to fully understand this connection.

Yes, it feels confusing to the human mind.

Yes, there are times when you can't grasp what is happening with your twin flame.

But this confusion is part of the experience you are meant to have.

The chaos and lack of clarity are integral to the divine unfolding of your journey.

This is why your guides are asking you to let it be.

Allow the answers to come to you in their own time and in their own way.

When you release the need to find the answers ,they will come to you naturally.

I hope this reading provides some clarity and guidance for those who need it.

Fascinate yourself
