
💎Remember that progress is not always linear ❣️ be patient with yourself 💎

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

The Full Moon in Sagittarius occurring on May 23rd signifies a profound moment for introspection and personal development. Known for its association with Jupiter, Sagittarius embodies qualities for knowledge , adventure and a relentless pursuit of truth. This cosmic event highlights the importance of not rushing forward prematurely but instead emphasises the significance of taking time for deeper reflection and contemplation.

During this lunar phase, various celestial aspects encourages us to reexamine our beliefs and ideologies, some of our existing philosophies may require reevaluation. The Full Moon in Sagittarius acts as a beacon that illuminates hidden truths within our psyche, offering the ascending the opportunity for self-discovery and growth.

The inherent nature of Sagittarius is based in the pursuit of truth , meaning and purpose. Ascending Individuals may find solace in setting goals or embracing philosophical frameworks that provide them with a sense of security and direction. The optimism associated with Sagittarius instills a belief that things will ultimately improve for us , even in the absence of immediate clarity.

The upcoming Full Moon energy on May 23rd is going to ignite feelings of optimism and transformation within , ruled by Jupiter the planet of expansion , Sagittarius encourages us all to seek wisdom, authenticity, freedom and expanded horizons. This lunar event invites us to delve into new ideas, explore diverse philosophical perspectives, and elevate our understanding of the world around us.

As the Sun moves through Gemini during this planetary period, the energy of curiosity, adaptability, and communication infuses our interactions and thought processes. This placement encourages us to engage in meaningful dialogues, exchange ideas with others, and embrace a multifaceted approach to learning and growth.

The aspect between the Sun and Pluto amplifies our drive for personal transformation and empowerment through acquiring knowledge and enhancing our communication skills. This alignment signifies a powerful urge to evolve and assert our inner strength through understanding , communication and dialogue.

The astrological influences during the Full Moon in Sagittarius activates a phase of deep introspection, intellectual exploration, and transformation. By embracing the energies of optimism, wisdom, and open-mindedness, we will tap into our inner potential and embark on a journey of higher self-discovery and transformational growth.

When seeking improvements in life, we can begin by identifying specific areas we wish to enhance. Taking the time to reflect on what aspects of life we wish to change and consider setting achievable goals that align with our higher aspirations. Visualising the ideal outcomes of the desire and setting clearer and stronger intentions to manifest these improvements into reality.

To promote positive changes, developing a Conscious mindset of ascension and resiliency. Believing in your capacity and abilities to evolve and adapt, honouring the journey of personal development as a continuous process of learning and evolution . Accepting that challenges are always further opportunities for learning and recognising that setbacks are valuable lessons that propel us forward on the Ascending path .

Consistency and perseverance are key when striving for improvements. Engaging in practices that support the well-being and personal growth on a regular basis.

This full moon in Sagittarius will promote

self-reflection, self analysis , sparks of divine intellect , mindfulness, goal-setting, self-care, seeking support from those that encourage and inspire .

During the Full Moon in Sagittarius, expect manifestations to occur and a shift towards light-hearted, positive energy. Sagittarius, known for its optimistic nature, also embodies profound truth. This moon phase may reveal hidden aspects that were previously hidden , leading to a deeper reflection in the days following the full moon.

Sagittarius's influence encourages transparency and honesty, necessitating the illumination of illusions and the exposure of truths that may have been concealed. While this process can feel confronting at times, Sagittarius ultimately brings in a new earth energy field infused with positivity and high-frequency vibrations.

This is a time of revealing truths and shedding light on hidden aspects of life. Sagittarius energy will guide the ascending towards a more authentic and aligned path, clearing the way for positive transformations and a higher level of consciousness. Remain open to the messages and opportunities presented from higher source energy during this lunar phase , trusting in the process of ascension and enlightenment that accompanies the Full Moon in Sagittarius.

As you continue to embark on your conscious journey towards improvement, remembering that progress is not always linear. Being patient with self and celebrating even the smallest of victories as you work towards your larger and expanded goals. Remaining committed to the vision of a vibrationally aligned future and trusting in your ability to create necessary and positive changes in life.

By remaining focused, taking proactive steps towards improvement, and maintaining a positive outlook, you incrementally and gradually transform your life in more meaningful ways. The process of ascension is to remain open to all new earth possibilities, and believing in the full potential of your being .

In Loving and Devoted Ascension service

Source Inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers

What is the artificial false light timeline?

This could also be termed the Artificial Christ Light Timeline. This is connected to a fourth-dimensional hijack, which has taken place through a fake Christic avatar whose sole purpose is to trap souls on a born-again Christian timeline.
When a soul is captured, hijacked, and pulled into the net of born-again Christianity, they acquiesce their rights to full sovereignty and thus, therefore, avatar status through accepting an artificial go-between between their soul, spark, and source energy.
This causes a huge delay on the ascension pathway/timeline for the captured soul. And the only way to free themselves from this trap is very often through reincarnation.
Unfortunately, many souls are not able to liberate themselves from the artificial, false light timeline.
It takes great strength and stamina, and deep trust in one's intuition and signs to be able to recognize the false light traps that they have been magnetized into.
Signs that you are on this timeline are:
You see Jesus as the one and only saviour.
You do not believe that you need to do your own spiritual evolutionary work any longer because you found Jesus.
You do not believe you are a fragment of God's source energy.
You believe you need a Messiah who represents an external Figure of God.
You believe this is necessary for your evolution.
When we choose the path of the false light timeline, we become loosh for the fourth-dimensional overlords, who essentially use and harness the energies because they do not have a soul and cannot feel.
This hijacked soul is then used for the main purpose, which is to keep them from truly ascending and realising they are one with their own christed nature.
This serves the overlords as it maintains the slave race timeline.

Jen Mccarty
