
💎How does mass ascension occur? Who are the people who ascend?🔥

This great cosmic solar flash ...

What do you need to survive?

How does ascension happen?

When does ascension occur?

Why does Ascension happen?

Will I survive?

Will I be okay?

Lots of people talk about Ascension, but it doesn't, so let's have that conversation.

about how it works, in other words, what is actually happening at the moment.

What does your body look like on the other side of Ascension?

How does Ascension feel?

And of course I am going to share with you, but do it last.

How can I help you?

What I am about to share with you is a very beautiful story, but let's look at some of the mechanisms of Ascension.

Let's start with ice and water.

Because we know that ice, water, and water vapor are the various phases of water.

It is normal for the phases to change.

The right water can appear in many different expressions.

Your body is designed to change phases.

Your body is designed to do the exact same thing.

But we don't see it happen.

And we have essentially come to live in a false matrix.

In our stunned, imprisoned, enslaved reality, we have become disconnected from our own higher consciousness and thus from our true nature as cosmic beings and multidimensional beings, thus forgetting that if we were on a timed level, the body is now designed to phase shift.

Since it is 3D, there are multiple levels or layers in every dimension.

We do not think of 3D as one place.

There is a lower level and a middle level, and I could describe all the different steps within 3D if I really wanted to express the subtle nuances, but I want to.

If I give a general overview and confirm that at the lower levels of 3D, i.e., if it is dense, it is 5D, some people will say, "See, there are angels."

Wait a minute.

I don't see anything.

Because those frequencies are too dense.

Even if the lower levels of 5D were at the lower levels of 3D, his eyes would not be able to attune to the higher vibrational frequencies of the 5D beings.

Or, since they may not be able to see, if you tell a being at a lower level of 3D that they are phase shifting into a 5D body, do you know what they will treat equally there?

They would say, "I am going to die. Oh, no," they will say.

I am going to drop the body because this 5D being has no physical vehicle, but remember that this ascension is a process because as a 3D being who once perceived air instead of a form of 5D being, that 3D being increases the frequency of the body!

Raise the frequency of the body, raise the consciousness of the body.

Because you are consciousness, you are pure divine consciousness and it must come into the body and for that you must understand that there is an impostor running the show now.

We call it.

Pretending to be something you are not ...

It is normal.

It is a very necessary way to navigate the matrix of falsehood.

The false self must exist,

This is the rule, the engagement, so to speak.

This is how we play in the Matrix of Pretense.

We come to believe voluntarily.

Whether we did or not, we came into the false matrix to free ourselves from it, to free the false matrix itself from the hands of the dark ones and return it to its original template.

We are talking about God.

Source, the Creator Consciousness ...

The original blueprint of creation, which is the organic matrix.

Many people do not like the term matrix.

Many do not like the term Matrix because their only relevance is the false Matrix.

The trap, because the matrix simply implies a plane of reality, we are shifting stages.

By shifting, we are shifting the form of the body, and in so doing, we are not only shifting the false matrix, but we are actually metamorphosing the 3D being that sees everything, alchemizing the false matrix into its organic original expression, as the pure and divine source, the Creator, has recovered consciousness .

There is so much change in the eyes of the 3D being that the 3D being cannot perceive beyond a certain point until an elevation of consciousness occurs, so that it can see Mt. Death.

That is why your life has been turned upside down in ours.

The tested challenge is triggered in every conceivable way.

Because one of the reasons you are raising the frequency in your body means that your brain has little idea what is going on.

That it is not intended, not designed into the brain, to ascend is not part of you, but most people.

Most people act as if ascension is happening in the brain.

They want to intellectualize it because they want to analyze it.

Ascension happens in the vehicle called the body.

It is a change in the physical stage of physical transformation, and everything, including the environment you are in, changes with you.

On Earth, as a 3D being moves into a 4D body, you see a 5D being, you are invisible, you are what you are, you are like me ...

In other words, it begins to say as now for the 4D being.

Who is growing.

Why 3D is moving into 4D is because the Earth is now able to receive more light codes.

The cosmic frequency light codes are photonic light, information that informs your body's cellular matrix of your body's cellular consciousness.

The truth of who I am and where I came from, in a non-intellectual way the body is beginning to attune to who I am and what else I am, which is why I say I am so lost in my own life, what I once craved and desired.

I don't want it anymore, I don't know who I am ...

I'm 20 years old and having a mid-life crisis ...

What is happening is that the body comes online and wakes up from it's false matrix slumber, because it really is there.

The false matrix ...

It is like a deep hypnotic sleep.

The transition of 4D from 3 to 4 is a natural process.

It is a process that actually happens environmentally by the new party.

I would say it is the light you are imbibing in your body every day.

It is beginning to catalyze that body to higher and higher frequencies.

There are people on this planet.

There are people on this planet who have already chosen not to ascend into 5D.

They will take an exit point when they leave this planet, in other words, when they leave the body that may be at the ascension point.

Whatever happens to the body at the ascension point, or whatever happens to them, death, the desire to get out quickly, when that person leaves their physical body, they can get out to another 4D planet that is already secured and already populated.

This is already a very beautiful place outside the false matrix.

Which explains why it is so important outside the false matrix.

So many people will leave there and go to 4D.

This is of those who leave the place and continue 4D.

In other words, they do not exit.

They stay on earth and enter 5D.

Because yes.

Because 5D is on earth.

People who are ascending are not going anywhere.

They bring heaven on this planet.

They bring home to planet earth.

That is what we are here to do, to bring back nature.

I call it paradise.

Earth was originally in the process of transitioning from 3D to 4D.

Some may be a little surprised to learn that this has already happened.

Those who will be 4D beings are already, 4D beings, but now many are about to leave.

He is a bully, he is horrible. He is mean. They are filled with darkness, full of reality.

No, they cannot continue to be 4D.

But because to them 4D is not much different from 3D.

Remember the lower levels of 4D.

There are many levels of bandwidth because of the medium and upper 4D levels.

There are many octaves of 4D bandwidth in the lower levels.

The entry point into 4D was physical, just as it was in 3D.

What changes is that in 4D you have a very different feel.

Time begins to become very elastic and very nonlinear.

See one 4D begins our journey.

It is like the bridge for the Israeli bridge that begins its journey into 5D, which sometimes feels a little rickety while walking over that bridge.

Also, while walking, that bridge can feel like a very narrow path.

There is not much room to move around, and since you are not used to this narrow passage, you may become confused and bewildered.


This bridge guides us to either 5D or an additional point to change direction.

Another life to the 4D planet ...

The 4D beings will move closer and closer to 5D and further across that bridge.

They will begin to realize that 5D is actually as solid as their form.

But that is because their bodies are now raising their frequency.

People talk about having to raise their frequency.

What does that mean?

And how do you raise your frequency?

There is another surprising answer.

Give yourself the space to return to your true self, because you will not allow yourself to return to your natural state.

It alchemizes the density, darkness, distortion and confusion that the body has been holding.

It alchemizes the complete self into the true self.

It returns the false self, the ego self, to its true self.

Your original state of consciousness as a higher dimensional being.

We are all from the future.

Because the higher dimension is, in fact, what you become over time.

It is the higher dimension.

It is your destiny.

It is your natural consequence.

And it is where you were born and where you have returned to as a time traveler yourself.

In its lower form, it is simply the restoration of your divine state.

That is Ascension, also known as Home.

Home is where you are connected to your origin, your divine root consciousness, living in the pulsating presence of Oneness.

That is what home feels like.

That is what we are in the process of recovering the 5th dimension.

We call it ascension.

Personal ascension occurs in two ways.

There is personal ascension, which can happen today, tomorrow, anytime, and there is collective ascension, which can happen collectively.

There is collective ascension.

Collective ascension, which is, you guessed it, a solar flash, literally the entire planet moving together in a flash of light to a higher 5D of consciousness.

That is when the 3D and 4D and the false matrix will become inaccessible.

And we will encounter that time.

We cannot go to the beings on the 4D planets.

It would interfere with them and their free will and would ruin their frequency before they are ready.

Therefore, we stay here and trust that they will do so and stay in higher alignment.

Those who have gone to 4D will go to 4D and join us.

Perhaps after a few thousand years, when they are ready to step their evolution into 5D, all of this will happen in cycles.

In other words, cycles take thousands, sometimes hundreds of years.

During the thousands of years between cycles, this is not a normal ascension window.

This is the ascension of all ascensions.

Suffice it to say that this ascension we are currently experiencing includes the collapse of the Earth.

A false matrix that does not normally occur ...

This ascension we are experiencing now includes the physical body.

This does not always happen.

Often the physical body is left out of it, just as ice can appear, just as steam can show water.

The body can also change in many ways, but as long as the ego is running the body, it must return to its sacred state.

On that bridge to 5D, the frequency rises with each step.

That rise in frequency occurs because there is less and less ego in the body and the ego is the presumed self.

The self you think you are is the self you say you are when people describe you.

Yourself, the you you describe, is the you you know.

So I go to you guys into the unknown, do not stick to what you know.

I say do not stick so much to analysis and linearity.

It is a bridge to the path, so let go and walk that bridge.

Let go of control.

Because what you will find is that you are actually stepping into your true self.

Truly yourself, that is the most exquisite right now.

I tell you, individual ascension can happen in the physical body.

And when it happens before the collective ascension happens, there people will walk around in a heightened state of consciousness, a very ego-less state of body and person.

They will be judged.

They will be judged as wrong, as bad, because they are going to challenge every ego in their being.

Their presence will be a beacon of light, illuminating others, and others will enter consciousness through their presence.

Collective ascension is the moment when we are in the pulse of the cosmic sun.

The cosmic sun is the portal or stargate through which God supplies light.

It is the pulse of light passing through the stargate called the cosmic sun that creates the divine source consciousness, it sends a pulse or wake up call to the galactic sun, the galactic sun sends a pulse to our sun, our soul is the son of the solar system, it is the solar flash.

It is known as the event that is the great CME.

Many people talk about there being three days of darkness.

Many prophecies speak of this as if there will be three days of darkness.

This is not the first time, for it has happened before Ascension was natural.

Ascension is coming to this planet and this is the first time we are doing it this way.

We are gearing up for something monumental like we have never seen before in this regard, but there are the following aspects

It has happened so many times in our kako that having a solar flash happen is kind of like inhaling the sun for a very long time.

To hold your breath and you will see is the darkness descending to the earth.

planet, and when that happens, the light is about to pulsate.

It is also called the micro ba.

It is a wonderful flash from the sun.

Now people are hearing about the micronova.

People hear about this great body from the sun.

And they go well.

Many things can survive, but there are requirements to survive.

What do you need to survive this great cosmic solar flash?

Just as your frequency is a pulse, which is a message sent from the stargate, the center of the universe, the cosmic sand to our sun, the same pulse is sent to your body.

It is like a relay where the pulse is generated internally and happens instantaneously.

Just as the sun radiates this huge pulse of light, your body does the exact same thing.

A huge pulse of light that sends out a radiant field ...

A beautiful force field that fills up around you ...


That is what protects you, that is what creates.

The biosphere around you, the environment around you, is pure peace.

Let's talk about what is happening in that environment of pure peace.

I will tell you what I know now and how I know it.

I have experienced this in 2016.

I had a memory of experiencing ascension in this life.

I was given the memory to re-experience what will happen to me and all of us in the future.

I say when it will happen and the answer to that is we are never going to know.

Because if we knew the date and time, we would look at our watches and wait, and we do not.

Growth does not raise frequency and therefore ascension, so on the ascension journey you need to truly enter into the moment of the path, out of the helplessness, and time constraints that are the nouns of the old false matrix when you unplug from everything.

Then step into the newness of your multidimensional now.

Before you step into the unfamiliar and unknown, you will find that it is actually very natural to the body.

So we have to stop overthinking, stop analyzing, and start getting into the body.

Because that is where the essential things happen, and your ability to anchor in the body is literally your saving grace.

It is what literally transcends you and elevates you.

You are anchored to your body in a way that words describing it can hardly comprehend.

It is an experience.

I know now that when I witnessed it and saw it from the inside it was the greatest bliss and the greatest peace.

I had many near-death experiences.

I was on the verge of death for most of my childhood, at least until I was 12 years old.

That is what I am telling you.

I know what a near-death experience feels like.

It is bliss.

It is exactly what people say it is.

It is peace.

And you don't want to go back.

You can't imagine yourself returning to your body from that expanse where you stepped into.

Ascension is a feeling like the expanse of near-death.

The blissful peace, the connection with God, the recovery of memory, the recovery of divinity, all of that has happened and now it fits in the body, the body is able to adapt, and in the ascension that I have experienced, it is adjusted to be able to hold the memory of who you are now.

You did not just see the memory, you participated in it.

There were some things I wanted to explain to you about the great physical body.

First of all, there are very surreal works that appeared on earth in the physical age.

Many people were very afraid of them.

Many of them were out on the streets.

They were in a lot of anxiety and uncertainty.

People were outraged, prone to harbor accusations and anger.

They were very unsure of what was going on.

Then there was a very light wave.

The beautiful paste colored light was mint green, pink, and a very beautiful powdery blue that actually looked like a stream.

While the sun was darkening, you could actually see these lights flowing in the air throughout the streets.

At the actual point of ascension it became darker and darker and there was pure peace, just this timeless silence and absolute heavenly peace, and you were in this bubble and there was timelessness in this bubble.

That means that it is possible, because significant timelessness happens within the bubble.

Second, even in 35,000 years, it is timeless, and so much happens in that timeless state, and you will get out of the bubble, but remember that beautiful moment in the timeless state where you are caught up in that collective ascension event.

There is no physical body of this kind in an individual ascension because it is a complete collapse of the external false matrix.

It is a collective ascension.

Because so much density needs to be folded into itself and alchemized.

Do not confuse what I say about the med-bed.

It is not a medical bed, but we did have people who were ascending lay on it.

We knew it was not the whole planet, but there were many among us who were ascending.

And when we are lying down, remember that this is all happening in your bubble, which is infinite in space and time.

In other words, there is no time for you to lie down.

When you lie down, you are surrounded by your team, your guides.

And you will recognize them when they come to you.

You will remember them.

Tears of love will flow.

Tears of recognition, it's just bliss.

It's just love.

You will lie down and you will be healed.

You have made your bed.

This is a cosmic realignment from the dense form of your body to the pure harmony and essence of the higher vibration.

This will help with the phase shift you are experiencing.

You will come out of it and fully recover.

You will come out of it and heal completely.

Those who had dentures will regrow teeth.

A paralyzed person will be able to walk.

The blind will see.

The deaf will hear.

Young people, and that includes those who are not old.

So do not think of yourself as old, but whatever age you are, you will be more or less back to normal.

I always remember these ages.

I always remember these ages because this is what was explained to me about women.

To say that you are more or less 29 years old is a few minutes.

The age of 32 is such an age that your body will be restored to its version of you at your most optimal and best look.

This includes something very interesting and that is the restoration of your facial symmetry.

Now here on earth we have noticed that there is a perfect symmetry in the fake matrix.

One of the business cards of the false matrix is the lack of symmetry.

We see it everywhere on our faces.

One hand is a foot larger than the other, one eye is higher or lower than the other.

One side of the face is higher or lower than the other.

Mouths are no different, nothing is perfectly symmetrical.

And when you see yourself as symmetrical, because this is you in your harmony.

Because it is the expression of your highest harmony.

It is a very special moment.

And you are what it was always supposed to be.

And you feel very close to the image of yourself in the mirror.

I think a very important point I am making is that talking about your image and the real you was a powerful call to arms.

The idea that you see the real you, that idea alone should start to stir something.

Memories within you should also begin to stir.

Explain why so many people suffer from body dysmorphia.

Because when you look in the mirror, you see that it is not who you actually are, that it is not an expression of your true self.

Because assertion is not your true nature.

Now many people will say.

What about non-spiritual people who don't practice spirituality?

Do they not ascend?

Ascension has nothing to do with how spiritual you are.

It has nothing to do with how well you understand Ascension.

I remember this because several people had ascensions.

They had no idea what was going on, but they seemed to quiet down right away.

It was that stream of light I spoke of, out in the street while people were gathering in the shaw.

Arguing, confused, people asking what was going on were being swept away.

Many people began to float in these light streams and they were almost taken to the healing room.

Would you say they were taken to the healing bubble early on?

They did not panic.

They were people who did not know much about Ascension.

They had not even heard what Ascension was.

So how in the world did they ascend?

If they had not ascended, they would not have ascended.

Do whatever it takes to understand ascension.

So how did they ascend?

Because ascension does not require you to understand it for it to happen.

It is a nonlinear, non-intellectual experience.

But it depends on how much goodness there is in what ultimately boils down to raising your frequency.

How much goodness your body can hold.

How pure is your integrity, how pure are your intentions.

How much you condemn.

Shaming, gossiping about others, judging others...

What it creates density.

Because that is what traps you in your ego.

I don't even know the word ego, but what people who don't have that big an ego have is the desire to spend the day in kindness, the desire to smile for humanity, and the hope that it might cheer someone up!

It is mainly based on the frequency of the person's inner love tuning, the frequency of the person's ascension.

You know how we get all these people who are just good in this world.

They are just good people.

They never force.

It is part of the density consciousness that forces ideas.

Those who force ideas, those who respect the opinions of others and cannot accept the decisions of others, those who behave in such a way are those who are too dense and therefore less likely to move into higher expressions.

It is determined by each person's soul.

I love you very much, and I hope you will continue to do the same.

Kerry K
