
💎THE REincarnation of dogs💎their reincarnation process is very fast🐶

THE REincarnation of dogs

Dogs are evolving animals, who need our help in that process.

When they die, their reincarnation process is very fast, because they are a being who does not carry the mazels that we humans take with us.

Most times dogs go back to their former owner but with different shape, color, size, breeds.

I've seen cases of people who adopted a dog and it had the same habits and habits of the other animal the family owned.

Dogs have a fantastic spiritual mission, in addition to coming to this world with the purpose of evolution.

They see and hear what we don't perceive; they capture our feelings; they feel the energy of people, both good and bad; they have the power to see spirits.

I've seen a lot of cases of people losing their dogs and days or weeks later, another dog shows up at the gate of the house.

If you have at home a dog, cat or any pet, know that they are creatures of God, in the process of evolution.

Author Unknown


They are among us; Angels with 4 legged physical bodies who have a special mission to humanity. They're emotional therapists; They won't hesitate to give you a good lick on the face if they feel sad or disagree. Your mission can be individual or collective; many of them do very private work or can impact an entire group of people and families; the latter is becoming more common in families who choose to have a "pet" and if t adorn an inseparable, loyal and protective friend. But there are secrets behind that "faithful friendship".
Our 4 legged angels are energy protectors; they will absorb energy from their unbalanced spaces and vibrations; they will then purify themselves with the help of water, plants and other elements that help them; If necessary, they will sacrifice p or you when there are very strong energies that can affect you. A good way to help them purge the energy they have absorbed is to give them lots of physical affection; caressing makes them happy; Joy broadens their auric field and that elevated mood will shake that unbalanced energy quickly like a great rep power lens. Every time you pamper a dog with love, you are helping them tremendously.
The dog is the only being on the planet that, even if you abandon it, will wait for you all your life 🐶
Author Unknown

"It's just an animal"

" Recently, someone asked me:
Do you stop traveling because you don't have anyone to leave your pet with?...
I smile because that someone doesn't understand what he is: just an animal...
Every now and then I hear someone say, "Stop it!!! It's just an animal !!! "
Or: "But that's a lot of money to spend on him..." it's just an animal !!! "
These people don't know the path traveled, the time spent, or the cost of "just an animal"...
Many of my best moments were given to me by "just an animal"...
Many times in my life, my only company was "just an animal"...
A lot of my sadness has been eased by "just an animal"...
And on the saddest and most frustrating days, the touch of "just an animal" has given me the strength to carry on...
And if you're one of those people who think he's "just an animal", then you should also understand the expressions: "it's just a friend", "it's only a loyal friend", "it’s just a friend who has respect, dedication, honor, sincerity", etc....
"Just an animal" has given my life the true essence of friendship, trust, and happiness...
"Just an animal" brings out compassion, dignity and patience, which makes me a better person...
Because for me and for people like me, it is not about "just an animal", but about the embodiment of true friendship, of all dreams of affection and sympathy, and still, of hope for the future with tenderness...
From the fond memories of the past in comradery, and the pure happiness in the companionship of the present moment...
"Just an animal" brings out the good in me and dissolves my thoughts and worries of the day to day...
I wish that one day, people realize that it's not "just an animal", but something very important that makes me more human and allows me, not to be "just a woman"...
So, the next time you hear the phrase:
"it's just an animal", just smile at those people because they can't have the ability to understand the true feeling towards an animal, and many of those people are not even good towards humans... ”
Text courtesy from Telma Nogueira

Love and Light
Michelle Price
