
ACL injury



The ACL is responsible for connecting the tibia and femur.

The ACL prevents the anterior translation of the tibia on the femur.

It is one of the parts that maintain the stability of the knee.

It prevents the internal rotation of the tibia.

ACL injury usually occurs when people immediately run after jumping which usually happens when playing basketball and volleyball.

When soccer players rapidly change directions or stop moving all of a sudden, or when their knees with another player's knee.

70 percent of the ACL injuries are cause non-contact incidents while 30% are caused by contact incidents.

When the ACL gets compromised/torn, it sometimes creates a loud popping sound.

When the ACL gets torn, the patient will suffer from a limitation of motion and knee instability.

Giving way=knee backling

When patients suffering from ACL tears/injuries go up and down the stairs, their knees are likely to buckle.

The knees of such patients usually swell up and become warm to the touch which may be due to inflammation.

In most ACL injuries, both medial and lateral meniscus get affected as well.

The tests conducted to assess ACL injuries are Lachman, anterior drawer test, pivot shift test, and the N test which was developed by a Japanese author.

The therapists have to passively move the patient's hip and knee into flexion and maintain that.. Then the therapist's thumb has to palpate the head of the femur with one hand and with the other hand on the patient's ankle joint.. and from this position, the therapist has to move the patient's hip and knee into extension, internal rotation and apply varus stress.

If instability of the knee is observed by looking at the patient's facial expressions.
