一つは「聖霊の油注ぎ」、そしてもう一つは「力の油注ぎ」です(使徒10:38、ルカ4:1, 14)。私は先々週、「聖霊の3つのバプテスマ」について教えました。聖霊は私たちの中に来られ、そうして私たちの上に来られ、そうして私たちに力を与えます。この力は、すべての信者に「量りに応じて by measure」来ます(measureは少しずつという意味も含む)(ローマ12:3, 6)。
イエスは神の御霊を、量りを取り払って(量りを制限なしに、すなわち無限に)与えられた、唯一の方でした(Amplified Bible「for God gives the Spirit without measure 神は御霊を(イエスに) 量りを取り払って (すなわち無限に)与えられるからである」。新改訳第3版「神が御霊を(イエスに) 無限に与えられるからである」)(ヨハネ3:34)。「量り」と訳されている言葉はギリシャ語の原語で「metron」、「制限されたところの分配や割り当て limited portion」を意味します。英語の「メートル meter」は、この「metron」から派生しています。
なぜでしょう? 私たちが神の臨在と力を用いるにあたって信頼されなければならないからです!
3.「支配の油注ぎの量り」は、神が私たちの人生を「よし」とされるゆえに来ます(2コリント10:18) 。
4.私たちは自分の信仰と恵みの「量り」を知らなければなりません(ローマ12:3, 6)。
この季節において、神が私たちにすでに与えてくださった油注ぎをどのようにして増加させるかに焦点を当てましょう。私たちの中には力の油注ぎをすでに失ってしまった者たちもいるかも知れませんが、私たちのうちにある聖霊の油注ぎは離れ去ってはいません(1ヨハネ2:20, 27)。
使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス
Apostolic prophetic Revelation- 4 Ways to increase the Anointing of Power!
Dear anointed saints!
It was such a wonderful time on Pentecost last Sunday, as the Lord released a new anointing of power for us.
The anointing of increase was imparted to us as we came into the presence of the Lord.
The anointing of increase causes us to move to the next level of blessings that the Lord has promised us.
Let us not forget that there are two anointings that God gives to us.
One is the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the other one is the anointing of power (Acts 10:38; Luke 4:1,14).
I taught two weeks ago on the 3 baptisms of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit comes in us, then He comes upon us and then He gives us power.
This power comes by measure to every believer (Romans 12:3, 6).
Jesus was the only One who had the Spirit of God without measure (John 3:34).
The word for measure is “metron”, which means “limited portion”. The English word “meter” comes from this word.
God gave His Spirit without measure to Jesus, but God gives us His Spirit with measure!
Why? Because we have to be trusted with His presence and power!
The Holy Spirit will never leave us, but His anointing of power can leave us.
Here are 4 ways to increase the anointing of power;
1. The measure of ruling power is given to us by God Himself (2 Cor.10:3).
- We do not decide the measure. Only God can give it to us.
- We must know the measure that God gave us for our calling.
2. Our measure can grow as our faithfulness increases daily (2 Cor.10:14-15).
- Our faithfulness to God means that we serve the Lord in our daily work.
- We must choose to be faithful in what we do everyday.
- God wants to trust us with more of His power and blessings!
3. The measure of ruling anointing comes because God approves our life (2 Cor.10:18).
- The measure of power increases when God approves our daily life.
- We are to walk in love if we want more power. Love gives power to faith (Gal.5:6)
- If we are faithful with what we are doing now, God can trust us with a little more power.
4. We must know the measure of our faith and our grace (Romans 12:3,6).
- The grace of God is the power of God. It is the ability of God in us and through us.
- Only humble Christians can get the grace and the power of God (James 4:5-6).
- More grace comes when we submit to God and His Word.
Let us in this season focus on how to increase the anointing that God has already given to us.
Some of us might have already lost the anointing of power, but the anointing of the Holy Spirit in us has not gone away (1 John 2:20,27).
Let us let the Holy Spirit lead us into the increase Anointing!
All for the Power of God to rest on us!
Apostle Gaius Lawrence