
Taken and Taken Day 35





これがこのインターンのモットーであるGive and Give をしてもらった側の気持ちである。これ以上ない感謝にあふれる。これが僕が最終的に自分の生徒にしてあげたいこと。一年という有限な時間で、どこまでGive and Giveできるか楽しみ!

I had camping which is part of school activities from Monday to Wednesday, my coworker let me stay overnight at his house on Sunday.

This day was a whole free day so he kindly brought me to somewhere I wanted to go.

I visited the Vietnam restaurant he loves at lunch.  Even though I live in Australia, every customer is from Asia. This taste is so nostalgic. After the meal, he treated me the Vietnam coffee. That taste is different from the Japanese one and impressed with it. 

After that, I was taken to a shopping center where I got everything I needed for the camp. Still struggling to adjust to the high cost of living in Australia, I hesitated every time I had to open my wallet. While I'm generous with spending money based on my experiences, I try to spend as little as possible when it comes to discretionary expenses.
Upon arriving at the teacher's house, we drank alcohol together and talked about various things. It was a rare opportunity to converse about things we wouldn't usually discuss.
One thing I want to express is the teacher's constant spirit of hospitality towards me. This embodies the motto of this internship, "Give and Give," from the perspective of the recipient. I am filled with immeasurable gratitude. This is what I ultimately want to impart to my own students. I look forward to seeing how far I can go with the ethos of "Give and Give" within the finite time of a year!

オーストラリア お酒
