
Working out overload Day109

11th, May cloudy

Considering what my host mother had plans for today, I had a free day and had no plans.  Therefore, I worked out the whole day with the Kettlebell that I borrowed from Tommy. 
Even though I didn't know how good tools for training kettlebells are, I am into it now and found the best tool. 

Despite 8kg, I am feeling so heavy because of accumulating fatigue. To top it all, I set the timer 10 seconds longer than usual.  I mean 10 seconds less break-in interval. 
How hard it was just changing time for 10 seconds and I did even 3 sets lol. I was like so tired.
However, I could take a relax as well as good stimulation. I feel a little bit working out overworked though…
Ops, I didn't forget to head to the shopping to buy a present for my host mother because tomorrow is Mother's Day!!!! Ta!

On May 11th, it was cloudy.

With my host mother having plans for the day, I found myself with a free schedule and no plans of my own. So, I decided to spend the entire day working out with the kettlebell I borrowed from Tommy. Even though I wasn't initially aware of how effective kettlebells are for training, I've grown quite fond of them and now consider them to be the best tool.

Despite it weighing only 8kg, I felt incredibly heavy due to accumulated fatigue. And just to challenge myself further, I decided to set the timer for 10 seconds longer than usual - or rather, with a 10-second shorter break interval. It's funny how difficult it was to adjust to just a 10-second difference, but I managed to complete three sets. Needless to say, I was exhausted.

Nevertheless, I found the workout to be both relaxing and invigorating. Though, I can't shake the feeling that I may have overexerted myself a bit. Oh, and I almost forgot - I made sure to head out for some shopping to buy a present for my host mother since tomorrow is Mother's Day! Ta!
