
That's hilarious Day123

25th May, overcast 

Considering I had the three-day athletic carnival in a row, I accumulated physical and mental tiredness.  

So, I rested the whole day while watching movies and studying without so much as training. I got a small blood blister on my foot, therefore I had to take a rest. 

What topic I was taken aback about today is that I could find a bunch of eggs; more than 20 under the chook's box, which are so small places.

My host mother and I were literally wondering why our chooks don't lay eggs so much. They should have laid eggs at least once a day individually.

However, we could get only one or two eggs a day…
Today, I could settle down this wondering!!!! They have been laying eggs under the box where these spaces are not proper spaces. 
I was like so hilarious. I could settle down the my wondering other day when all of chooks were not in the shed. lol They were hiding that spaces!!!!

Good grief.

May 25th, Overcast

After the three-day athletic carnival, I felt both physically and mentally exhausted.

I spent the whole day resting, watching movies, and studying, without so much as training. I got a small blood blister on my foot, so I had to take it easy.

One surprising discovery today was finding a bunch of eggs—more than 20—under the chook's box, which is such a small place.

My host mother and I had been wondering why our chooks weren't laying many eggs. They should each be laying at least one egg a day.

However, we were only getting one or two eggs a day... Today, I solved this mystery! The chooks had been laying eggs under the box in those cramped spaces. I found this out when all the chooks were out of the shed. It was hilarious to finally discover their secret hiding spot!
