
I'm drained Day118

20th May, Sunny 

Monday makes me more tired than an ordinary day because of the beginning of the week. However, fortunately, week 6, which means leaving only three weeks until the big holiday. 

That is one of the motivations. But, guess what, I was so panicky this morning when I followed my routine, unlocking the chicken coop's door.

There were supposed to be four chooks in the shed though, there were only three!!! I was like good grief and got panicked. Even though I looked for a chook, I could not find it. There was no time to keep looking and I gave up. 
I was afraid of getting my mother upset, therefore I couldn't say it.
I couldn't help thinking about that even during class, making me stressed a whole day. 
Upon going back to the house, I directly headed to Chook's shed. Otherwise, I wouldn't get rid of this anxiety forever. lol

There were four Chooks on the timber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so relieved.  However, this extra anxiety made me more tired….

20th May, Sunny

Mondays make me more tired than usual because it's the start of the week. However, fortunately, it's week 6, meaning only three weeks left until the big holiday. That's one of my motivations. But guess what? I was so panicked this morning during my routine of unlocking the chicken coop door.

There were supposed to be four chooks in the shed, but I found only three! I was like, "Good grief!" and totally panicked. Despite searching for the missing chook, I couldn't find it. With no time to continue looking, I had to give up. I was afraid of upsetting my mother, so I didn't tell her. I couldn't stop thinking about it even during class, which stressed me out all day.

When I got back home, I headed straight to the chook shed. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to get rid of this anxiety. To my immense relief, there were four chooks on the timber! I am so relieved. However, this extra anxiety made me even more tired.
