
Sparring Day113

15th May sunny 

Before jotting down today's diary, I would like to blame myself, who is writing this diary on 18th May. I was so hectic this whole week that I ended up diverting from my imposed routine.  OMG…

Anyway, it's a waste of time to think back about what happened. After school, I was doing hard training with Toomy and one student. 
Once we finished doing the easy exercise, we embarked on light-sparing, which is the purpose of attacks and blocks while measuring distance as well as trying to attack with various techniques. 
Unless we step into dangerous levels and are punched with only power, these practices are so beneficial. Otherwise, we will get injured. 
Preventing that, we were doing easy sparring though, how more difficult to loosen up….dear
Keep going….

osen up….dearKeep going…. rewrite

15th May, Sunny

Before jotting down today's diary, I would like to blame myself, who is writing this diary on 18th May. I was so hectic this whole week that I ended up diverting from my imposed routine. OMG...

Anyway, it's a waste of time to dwell on the past. After school, I engaged in hard training with Toomy and another student. Once we completed the easy exercises, we moved on to light sparring. The purpose of this was to practice attacks and blocks while measuring distance and experimenting with various techniques. As long as we avoid stepping into dangerous levels and don't rely solely on power punches, these practices are very beneficial. Otherwise, we risk getting injured. To prevent that, we kept the sparring light, but it's so challenging to loosen up... Dear, keep going...
