
NHKラジオ「中高生の基礎英語 in English」47日目 Topic4 Day5

●Weekly Topic
What kind of superpower do you want to have?


Joe's opinion
I would like to be able to fly. If I could fly, I would like to fly above buildings, tress, mountains and cities.
And I would feel so free. If I could fly, I would not have to use a busy train.

Kate's opinion
I would like to be super strong. If I could be super strong, I wouldn't be scared of a flu shot.
And I wish I could run superfast, too. If I were superfast, I could become a world-famous athlete.

Vinay's opinion
I wish I could have the power of teleportation. Then, I could travel to any place in the world in one second. I could go snowboarding in the Alps in the morning and relax on a beach in Thailand in the afternoon. And I could try performing comedy in front of audiences all over the world.

Hannah's opinion
If I had a superpower, I would make clones of myself. I'm too busy, and there's not enough time. If I could make copies of myself, we could do everything. The first Hannah could do acting and narration work. The second Hannah could exercise and clean. And the third Hannah could read books and write my novel.


Fuku's opinion
I wish I could make laser beams with my hands. If a monster came to the world, I would fight the monster to save the world. If I were a superhero, I could fight for the world. That would be cool.


My opinion
If I had a superpower, I would like to fly like a bird. If I could fly, It would be very exciting to see my town from the sky.
And I wouldn't have to ride vehicles. It means I could protect the environment from more greenhouse gases. It would be great for everyone.


