
We are a group of practitioners, and coache…


We are a group of practitioners, and coaches facilitating insights around Work - for individuals and organizations. https://www.kavyata.in/


Women Leadership Program and How It Can Ensure the Growth of Every Organisation

Needless to say, women experience numerous challenges in the workplace, but they still add immense amount of value and a perspective to diverse range of situati…


Here Are A Few Things You Need To Look For In a Career Change Coach

According to many surveys, on an average, a person is expected to change his career five or six times throughout his professional life. While earlier, people le…

Women Leadership Program and How It Can Ensure the Growth of Every Organisation

Women Leadership Program and How It Can Ensure the Growth of Every Organisation

Needless to say, women experience numerous challenges in the workplace, but they still add immense amount of value and a perspective to diverse range of situations an organisation faces on an everyday

Here Are A Few Things You Need To Look For In a Career Change Coach

Here Are A Few Things You Need To Look For In a Career Change Coach

According to many surveys, on an average, a person is expected to change his career five or six times throughout his professional life. While earlier, people learned skills and got trained only in one
