
Katsurao AIR 2023 Archives:カルティカ・メノン Kartika Menon




I brewed and handed out chai to people visiting the Azalea Community Centre. In exchange, I asked people to tell me either a story about Katsurao or a pun. I wanted to observe how connections formed when I was there consistently for over a week. I made around 150 cups of chai.


Video Diary


I filmed highlights from my routine every day for the twenty-three days of my residency in Katsurao. After leaving, I will study the videos to see what I was unconsciously drawn to and what in Katsurao stood out most.


Everyday Postcards


I asked several people I talk to regularly to write down a one-day diary entry on a postcard. The aim of this project is to collect and observe the everyday lives of people of different ages and from different places over several years. In Katsurao, I collected thirteen postcards.

Kartika Menon

2022 情報科学芸術大学院大学 IAMAS メディアアート表現 修了
2016 商学部卒業、インド

1994年インド生まれ。2016年にインドで商学部を卒業して、2017年から日本の一般企業で3年経理の仕事を続く。2020年から「当たり前、記憶、トラウマ」などをキーワードに作品展示や表現始める。フィールドワークを取り入れ、オートエスノグラフィーの研究手法で、自分が暮らす地域の場所、人、事件などの記憶を記録している。これらの記録やデータをもとに、切り絵、紙、光や影を使ったインスタレーション作品や映像作品を制作する。 今まで、愛知県、京都府、岐阜県、福井県で展示を行なってきた。

2022 Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences [IAMAS], Master’s degree in “Media Art Expression”
2016 Bachelors in Commerce, India

Born in India in 1994. Came to Japan in 2017 and worked as an accountant in a Japanese company for 3 years. In 2020, Kartika started to express herself with keywords such as “habituation, memory, and trauma”. She incorporates fieldwork and uses auto-ethnography research methods to record her memories of place, people and incidents in areas she lives. Uses these research recordings and data to create installation works and videos using paper cut-outs, paper, light and shadow. Se has exhibited in Aichi, Kyoto, Gifu, and Fukui prefectures.
