

Bluegrass, Country, Piano, Jazz, Game, Anime, etc.


THE PETERSENS is too wonderful!

THE PETERSENSが素晴らしすぎる! Hi guys! What's going on? I'm Katsu :D When you start learning English, you'll more opportunities find out know foreign artists, right? Me too. Then today, I would like to introduce THE PETERSENS who play very beau

Transcendental Jazz Pianist Jacob Koller

超絶技巧ジャズピアニスト ジェイコブ・コーラー When you think about transcendental skills, names like Franz Liszt and Vladimir Horowitz will come up quickly. And then even currently, there is the pianist who this word fits the most. That is Jacob Koller. 超絶技巧とい

Vladimir Horowitz, His Carmen and Sousa again.

ウラディミール・ホロヴィッツ、彼のカルメンとスーザをもう一度 Everyone was fascinated. His unique playing style. And his overwhelmingly powerful sound. 誰もが魅了された。彼の独特な演奏スタイル。そして圧倒的なパワフルサウンドに。 Hello there! How's it going? I'm Katsu. 皆さんいかがお過ごしでしょうか?かつです。 I'm sure you

ValentinaLisitsa/Her new post gives us the strength to live

ヴァレンティーナ・リシッツァ/彼女の NEW POST が僕たちに生きる力をあたえてくれる Yesterday, she posted a new video of her new video. It was dedicated to those suffering from COVID. Please help me reach as many people as possible. I'm sure there will be people who will be he