

Bluegrass, Country, Piano, Jazz, Game, Anime, etc.


The Dead South, Their comical and playful performance and sound is a breakthrough in bluegrass

ザ・デッド・サウス 彼らのコミカルで遊び心のあるパフォーマンスとサウンドはブルーグラスの常識を覆す An ensemble of bluegrass instruments such as banjo and dobro and a chorus. The country sound that comes out of that is bluegrass. Am I the only one who had such a fixed idea? バンジョーやドブロといった

THE PETERSENS is too wonderful!

THE PETERSENSが素晴らしすぎる! Hi guys! What's going on? I'm Katsu :D When you start learning English, you'll more opportunities find out know foreign artists, right? Me too. Then today, I would like to introduce THE PETERSENS who play very beau

Southern Raised, The bluegrass sounds they play are also amazing!

サザン・レイズ、彼らが奏でるブルーグラスの音色もまた素晴らしい! It's been ages! How's it going guys? I'm Katsu. I feel for a long time what I introduce a video because I got going on to create a script of the Japanese language. お久しぶりです! いかがお過ごしでしょうか? カツです。 日本語スクリプト作成を始

The Boogie Woogie Pianist Ladyva

ブギウギ ピアニスト レディバ When you think of boogie-woogie, you probably think of the early post-war years of the Showa era. Yes, it was a time when songs like "Tokyo Boogie Woogie" were so popular. I wasn't born, so I only had an image of this song

Transcendental Jazz Pianist Jacob Koller

超絶技巧ジャズピアニスト ジェイコブ・コーラー When you think about transcendental skills, names like Franz Liszt and Vladimir Horowitz will come up quickly. And then even currently, there is the pianist who this word fits the most. That is Jacob Koller. 超絶技巧とい

I want you to watch and listen to it, and feel the wonderful things about the OP of the Tales series!

観て、聴いて、感じてほしい。テイルズシリーズのOPの素晴らしさを! Hello there! I'm Katsu! How's it going? みなさんこんにちは!かつです!調子はどうですか? The release date for the latest in the Tales series "Tales of ARISE" has been pushed back and the release date remains undecided, but that