

Bluegrass, Country, Piano, Jazz, Game, Anime, etc.


The Dead South, Their comical and playful performance and sound is a breakthrough in bluegrass

ザ・デッド・サウス 彼らのコミカルで遊び心のあるパフォーマンスとサウンドはブルーグラスの常識を覆す An ensemble of bluegrass instruments such as banjo and dobro and a chorus. The country sound that comes out of that is bluegrass. Am I the only one who had such a fixed idea? バンジョーやドブロといった

Southern Raised, The bluegrass sounds they play are also amazing!

サザン・レイズ、彼らが奏でるブルーグラスの音色もまた素晴らしい! It's been ages! How's it going guys? I'm Katsu. I feel for a long time what I introduce a video because I got going on to create a script of the Japanese language. お久しぶりです! いかがお過ごしでしょうか? カツです。 日本語スクリプト作成を始

Valentina Lisitsa, She who plays on the street piano is full of her charm unadorned

ヴァレンティーナ・リシッツァ、ストリートピアノで演奏する彼女には、飾らない彼女の魅力に満ちている Hi! How's it going, guys? This time, I'd like to share a music video that pianist Valentina Lisitsa plays a street piano. She who plays on the street with roughly dressed makes us feel very