

Bluegrass, Country, Piano, Jazz, Game, Anime, etc.


Emmett Franz, The Petersens' Dobroist and Composer, I want you to be drawn in by his melancholy voice.

エメット・フランツ、ピーターセンズのドブロイストでコンポーザー、彼の哀愁を帯びた歌声に惹き込まれてほしい Hi! How's it going guys? I'm Katsu! You all know the Petersens Band by now. This time, I'd like to highlight one of the band's accents in particular, Emmitt Franz! みなさんこんにちは!かつです!もうみなさん

ValentinaLisitsa/Her new post gives us the strength to live

ヴァレンティーナ・リシッツァ/彼女の NEW POST が僕たちに生きる力をあたえてくれる Yesterday, she posted a new video of her new video. It was dedicated to those suffering from COVID. Please help me reach as many people as possible. I'm sure there will be people who will be he