
天声人語 2008年3月19日 ブッシュ米大統領の歌声

Some people may be amazed at his happy-go-lucky nature, while others may get angry and call him irresponsible upon hearing the parody of "The Green, Green Grass of Home" that U.S. president George W. Bush sang at a recent dinner for the White House press corps. The lyrics, which I found in a wire service dispatch, are quite compelling.



"That old White House is behind me/ I am once again carefree/ Don't have to worry about a crisis in Pyongyang. It is good to touch the brown, brown grass of home." Apparently, he put words to the way he feels now that his term in office will expire in less  than a year. While it is true that the president sang the parody at an annual get-together in which humor is most welcome, I must say he had a lot of nerve to deliver his performance amid a host of difficult problems.



"For there is Condi (Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice) and Dick (Vice President Cheney), my old compadre, talking to me about some oil-rich Saudi." All three used to be executives of oil companies. The words made me want to ask: Was it oil that the United States was after in starting the Iraq war, as I have long suspected.



Five years ago Wednesday, the United States attacked Iraq and quickly toppled the regime headed by Saddam Hussein, its longtime enemy. But the conflict soon bogged down as the death toll among Iraqi citizens and U.S. soldiers continued to rise. Weapons of mass destruction, the justification for the war, were never found. Voices criticizing the act of "folly" are growing louder by the day.



Europeans and Americans have a tendency to look to humor to tide over difficult times. But there is  nothing funny about Iraqis who were forced from their homes. I thought there must have been some people who frowned at the president's song but contrary to my expectations, it seems his performance was received with a standing ovation.



"Yes, you are all gonna miss me, the way you used to quiz me," the president sang somewhat off-key. how will the "Bush era" be remembered by history? The world became increasingly creaky in the five years since the Iraq war started, during which time the United States also suffered heavy losses.


