
Our thoughts

Updated on April 14, 2024

My name is AKIKO and I'm from Japan. Thank you for visiting my page.
I'm sorry for my poor English, but I would be happy if you could take a look.


We aspire to create a safe and secure space for expressing inner freedom through art, free from the need for empathy or approval.
In a world where AI advances, we believe only humans can convey sensibility and emotions through expression and language.
Our goal is sincere self-expression and inner growth, welcoming everyone as artists, irrespective of age, race, or nationality.

Our art reflects emotions and thoughts, conveyed through various forms, aiding self-awareness and offering new perspectives.
We prioritize comfort in expression over judgment of skill, capturing momentary feelings and valuing present experiences.
While dreaming of sustaining ourselves as artists, our current focus is on living and expressing sincerely.
We embrace all emotions, even the mundane, and acknowledge the journey involves mistakes and financial constraints.
Despite potential perceptions of our art as mere doodles, we persist in hoping to discover our value through honest expression.
Our art mirrors our hearts, inviting your presence to witness and support our journey in its entirety.

thank you
