
MSP Documentation

  1. Benefit profile
    Used to define each benefit (and dis-benefit) and provide a detailed understanding of what will be involved and how the benefit will be realized.

  2. Benefits management strategy
    Defines the approach to realizing benefits and the framework within which benefits realization will be achieved.

  3. Benefits map
    Illustrates the sequential relationship netween benefits.

  4. Benefits realization plan
    Used to track realization of benefits across the programme and set review controls.

  5. Blueprint
    Used to maintain focus on delivering the required transformation and business change.

  6. Business case
    Used to validate the initiation of the programme and the ongoing viability of the programme.

  7. Information management plan
    Sets out the timetable and arrangements for implementing and managing the information management strategy.

  8. Information management strategy
    Describes the measures, systems and techniques that will be used to maintain and control programme information.

  9. Issue management strategy
    Used to describe the mechanisms and procedures for resolving issues.

  10. Issue register
    Used to capture and actively manage programme issues.

  11. Monitoring and control strategy
    Defines how the programme will apply internal controls to itself.

  12. Organization structure
    Description of the management roles, responsibilities and reporting lines in the programme.

  13. Programme brief
    Used to access whether the programme is viable and achievable.

  14. Programme communication plan
    Sets out the timetable and arrangements for implementing and managing the stakeholder engagement strategy.

  15. Programme definition document
    A document that is used to consolidate or summarize the information that was used to define the programme.

  16. Programme mandate
    Used to describe the required outcomes from the programme, based on strategic or policy objectives.

  17. Programme plan
    Used to control and track the progress and delivery of the programme and resulting outcomes.

  18. Programme preparation plan
    A plan that details how Defining a Programme will be undertaken.

  19. Projects dossier
    Provides a list of projects required to deliver the blueprint, with high-level information and estimates.

  20. Quality and assurance plan
    Sets out the timetable and arrangements for carrying out the quality and assurance strategy.

  21. Quality and assurance strategy
    Used to define and establish the activities for managing quality across the programme.

  22. Resource management plan
    Arrangements for implementing the resource management strategy.

  23. Resource management strategy
    Used to identify how the programme will acquire and manage the resources required to achieve the business change.

  24. Risk management strategy
    Defines the programme approach to risk management.

  25. Risk register
    Used to capture anc actively manage the risks to the programme.

  26. Stakeholder engagement strategy
    Used to define the framework that will enable effective stakeholder engagement and communication.

  27. Stakeholder profiles
    Used to record stakeholder analysis information.

  28. Vision statement
    Used to communicate the end goal of the programme; could be seen as providing an external 'artist's impression' of the desired future state.
