
Is that a moralistic argument? I actually dislike moralistic arguments7

"Children who do not know peace and children who do not know war have different values!!

"The ones at the top rewrite what is good and evil!! Right now, this place is neutral!! Does justice always prevail!? Well, of course. Only the victors are just!!"

These are the words of Doflamingo from 'ONE PIECE'.

Lately, I've been feeling that most of the words we learn at school, or rather, that teachers say at school, are nothing but "brainwashing".

As evidence, when talking to someone who wants to become a civil servant, which is ranked first in the career aspirations ranking for high school students, they often say things like "I didn't decide this myself," showing no agency, and their opinions lack evidence such as data or definitions. It's clear that they're heavily infected with the "moral righteousness virus", believing that what everyone says is right and having been thoroughly brainwashed since childhood.

The reason for becoming a civil servant is to seek "stability".

This is not taught in schools, but without sugarcoating it, "stability" equals "boredom".

Most children who have been subjected to "brainwashing" in school don't have anything they want to do.

When they reach their third year of high school and have to decide on their future path, if asked suddenly by a teacher "What do you want to do?" they won't have an answer.

Rather, it's the school that has consistently suppressed their desire to do things and extinguished their individuality, and it's absurd for the school, of all places, to ask such an irresponsible question.

Children who don't have anything they want to do tend to aim to become civil servants, medical professionals, or employees of large corporations.

This is because they've been brainwashed in school.

If they continue to be brainwashed not to stand out too much, to be the same as everyone else, and not to express their own opinions, they will start to seek "stability".

Of course, parents and teachers also encourage children to become civil servants, medical professionals, or employees of large corporations.

Children who have been brainwashed in school not to express their own opinions find it difficult to reject the expectations of their parents and teachers, or to continue to think for themselves and search for their own answers even if they experience failure, which is inevitable.

I don't want to argue that being a civil servant, medical professional, or employee of a large corporation is bad.

If you have a reason for wanting to do it and if there is a version of yourself that you want to become through that job, then you should aim for it.

However, it's a problem if you choose the above jobs simply by process of elimination because you don't have any other job you want to do.

By receiving the "brainwashing education" that emphasizes "stability", people become unable to think or act for themselves or to experience failure.

Of course, for the country, it's more convenient to have people who work silently without complaining to the government or companies than people who think and act for themselves and experience failure.

However, from the perspective of the future of the country, having many young people become civil servants or medical professionals is not a plus for Japan.

If you go to the countryside, there are only elderly people.

If you go to the hospital, there are only elderly people.

Although I myself work as a care manager for elderly people, it's fair to say that if you seriously consider the future of Japan, working as a civil servant or medical professional is investing the "abilities" and "time" of young people in the future elderly people.

Some people may get angry when I make such an argument, but I'm not saying that elderly people are bad.

I'm not saying that I dislike elderly people.

It's not about my likes or dislikes; it's my opinion based on a candid assessment of the current situation in Japan.

The worldview that makes you feel that someone who has a different opinion is your enemy is also a product of Japan's "brainwashing education".

In fact, the "stability mindset" that many citizens have not only makes their lives boring but also undermines Japan's national strength.

However, about 90% of Japanese citizens are such people, and the parents, teachers, and friends you were surrounded by when you were a child were probably also such people, weren't they?

In such an environment, it's difficult for a young child to stand up alone.

It's natural for the "stability mindset" to be strengthened.

As the "stability mindset" becomes stronger, your field of vision becomes narrower, and your future becomes narrower as well.

What do you need to change such a life?

I think it's changing your "environment".

Start living alone after graduating from high school, experience changing jobs in your 20s and work in different cities as a result, and travel to various places both domestically and internationally.

First of all, start by "moving".

By "moving", the scenery you see will change.

In the history of "brainwashing education", we learn that people's lives developed when they started "settling down" during the Yayoi period when rice farming began.

However, "settling down" was also the beginning of "brainwashing education".

With the introduction of rice farming to the Japanese archipelago, people started to live a "settled life".

As a result, wars over land and crops began, and disparities in wealth arose.

And people were divided into "those who rule" and "those who are ruled".

The history we are currently learning is a convenient history for "those who rule" since the Yayoi period.

Coincidentally or inevitably, in 'ONE PIECE' now, the world's greatest minds are fighting against the convenient history for "those who rule".

Perhaps 'ONE PIECE' is delivering us from "brainwashing education".

That may be the treasure that Roger left to those living in this era.
