Love can hurt us, and it did

I am sorry but expressing my feeling in English is more comfortable for me now. Let me post in English.

I am still depressed with my sad past that I made with my ex-boyfriend.
I thought I would be brave enought to endure a tremendous sorrow, but this is totally wrong.
If there were a wish, I would say I wanna go back to the past that I was in the relationship or I wanna reunite with him again as if nothing bad happens.

My past still haunts my heart strongly and never go away from it.

I know one boy have crush on me and I was trying to be interested in him by forgetting about my ex.
Still, I automatically compare with them, which makes me so sad and remind of my past.
All of a sudden, I feel like crying loudly…

Love can destroy our emotion, and it did.
Love can stick to our brain, and it did.
Love can bother our present, and it did.
Love can disturb our future, and it did.

Love can hurt us, and it did.
