
30-day film challenge


DAY 1 - the first film you remember watching

DAY 2 - a film you like that starts with the first letter of your name


DAY 3 - a film that has more than five words

DAY 4 - a film with a number in the title

DAY 5 - a film where a character has a job you want

DAY 6 - your favourite animated film

DAY 7 - a film that you will never get tired of

DAY 8 - a film where you liked the soundtrack more

DAY 9 - a film you hate that everyone else liked

DAY 10 - your favourite superhero film

DAY 11 - a film you like from least favourite genre

DAY 12 - a film that you hate from your favourite genre

DAY 13 - a film that put you in deep thoughts

DAY 14 - a film that gave you depression

DAY 15 - a film that makes you feel happy

DAY 16 - a film that is personal to you

DAY 17 - favourite film sequel

DAY 18 - a film that stars your favourite actor

DAY 19 - a film made by your favourite director

DAY 20 - a film that changed your life

DAY 21 - a film that you dozed in

DAY 22 - a film that made you angry

DAY 23 - a film made by a director that is dead

DAY 24 - a film you wish you saw in theatres

DAY 25 - a film you like that is not set in the current era

DAY 26 -  a film that you like that's adapted from somewhere

DAY 27 - a film that is visually striking to you

DAY 28 - a film that made you feel uncomfortable

DAY 29 -  a film that makes you want to fall in love

DAY 30 - a film with your favourite ending
