
呑切り(ノミキリ)蔵出原酒(Nomikiri Kuradashi Genshu)


<summer limited edition>
The sake that was taken out in early summer was bottled as it is without filtering or adding water.
*Nomikiri: To check whether the sake is stored in a sound manner, open the mouth of the tank, take out the sake in storage, and check the change in flavor and degree of maturation.

原酒とは、加水処理を行っていない、出来たままの状態のお酒です。Unprocessed sake is sake in the as-made state, without water treatment.

アルコール分 19% Alcohol 19%
The alcohol content of this sake is slightly higher because it is unblended. It is recommended to be served well chilled (5-15 degrees).

・原料米品種 京都産「五百万石」「京の輝き」
 Variety name of raw material rice「gohyaku mangoku」「kyono kagayaki」

佐々木酒造株式会社 Sasaki sake Brewery
