The baptism of Christ

作者 ヴェロッキオ、ダ・ヴィンチ他
製作年 1472年 - 1475年頃
種類 板に油彩
寸法 177 cm × 151 cm (70 in × 59 in)
所蔵 ウフィツィ美術館、フィレンツェ
Author Verrocchio, Da Vinci and others
Year of production 1472-around 1475
Oil on the board
Dimensions 177 cm x 151 cm (70 in x 59 in)
Collection of the Uffizi Gallery, Florence
『キリストの洗礼』(キリストのせんれい(英: The Baptism of Christ)は、初期ルネサンスの画家アンドレア・デル・ヴェロッキオとその弟子達が描いた絵画。
とあります 。
If you search the internet for the Baptism of Christ, you will find that the Baptism of Christ is not necessarily the work of Leonardo da Vinci alone.
According to Wikipedia
The Baptism of Christ (The Baptism of Christ) is a painting by the early Renaissance painter Andrea del Verrocchio and his disciples.
It is usually a collaboration between Verrocchio and Leonardo da Vinci, but hands other than these two are also allowed.
There is.
Looking at the year of production, it is almost the same year of production as the "Annunciation". I think it was the time when Leonardo da Vinci was in Verrocchio's workshop. Where did Leonardo da Vinci paint? Or how much initiative did Leonardo da Vinci have? Or did the participating painters discuss and draw with an agreement? I don't know exactly. According to an anecdote, Verrocchio, the master who saw the angel on the left drawn by Leonardo da Vinci, said that the angel was so wonderfully drawn that he has not painted since then. It's just an anecdote, so I'll forget about it.
I'm not interested in who participated and drew. It is enough that Leonardo da Vinci participated. Let's forget everything and watch this picture.