

They could now sketch everything as we would with a digital camera. For example, chess champions may resemble the ability to understand changes in the hundreds of destinations. It is useless if we challenge it. Instead, you should understand the image processing equipment in their heads. Then I think we can face them on an equal footing.

Because now we can work with computers. You can get the same feeling as they do with computer image processing. Conversely, it is no exaggeration to say that they already possessed the capabilities of 500 years from now. It was just a special device in their heads. The weapon that assisted it may have been parchment, which would flip if transparent. That is why the "Battle of Anghiari" had to be drawn like that.
In particular, Leonardo da Vinci is good at reversing, and I think that the image processing ability in the brain was outstanding. I feel his genius there.
Let's summarize.
・Peter's face covers the sheep's face.
・A chain is applied to his mouth.
・The soldiers piercing Peter and Judas have strange face guards.
・ Christ is surrounded by a circle and is floating.
・ There are young people who protect Christ. He has a shield to protect Christ from a demonic-looking old man.
・ A young man is being attacked by a soldier at the feet of Christ. But he is not dead. It is the soldiers who attack the youth who are bleeding. Such a situation emerges.
I want to make a suggestion. I want you to make a story. I think you all in the Christian sphere already know it. I think it's rude to explain to you as a Japanese person. When your story is complete, I want you to overlap with the heart of Leonardo da Vinci. I think there is something new to discover.



I will finally announce something important. It's about John. To be precise, it's about "the person who was thought to be John" for 500 years. Who is this person? Who was the person hiding behind this Judas before that? John's nickname is "Child of Thunder." You already understand. that's right. "The person who wields a knife and is held down by Petro" is John. I think you are more familiar with the setting of "The Last Supper" than I am. It is the scene immediately after Christ said, "There is a person who betrayed me in this." What do you think the short-tempered "Child of Thunder" who loves Christ will hear it? It's easy to imagine rampaging, "I'll kill such a traitor." He is John. I can assure you this.
