

    St. Anne and the Virgin and Child

作者 レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ
製作年 1508年頃
種類 ポプラ板に油彩
寸法 168 cm × 112 cm (66 in × 44 in)
所蔵 ルーヴル美術館、パリ

Author Leonardo da Vinci
Year of production around 1508
Oil on the board
Dimensions 168 cm x 112 cm (66 in x 44 in)
Collection Louvre Museum, Paris


Leonardo da Vinci's "St. Anne and the Virgin and Child". This picture has the big toe firmly drawn. "Virgin Mary" and her mother "St. Anna". Toddlers are supposed to be "Christ". Since "Infant St. John" has been changed to "Sheep", there are three characters.

 この絵も不思議です。聖アンナは「子供を産める年齢のマリア」をこんな格好で膝の上に載せられるでしょうか?普通に考えれば成人女性ですからある程度の体重があると思います。皆さんは変だと思いませんか? なぜ、世界の人々は変だと言わないか不思議です。レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチが描いたのだから間違いはないと思うからでしょうか?

This picture is also strange. Can St. Anne put "Maria of childbearing age" on her lap like this? She usually thinks she's an adult woman, so I think she has some weight. Don't you think it's weird? I wonder why people in the world don't say weird. Is it because I think there is no mistake because it was drawn by Leonardo da Vinci?
