
#77 子供に習ってほしいこと現代版が凄い (What you want your kids to learn?)

(English follows)




さて、その子供がおとなになる頃にもこれがスキルとして重要なのかは神のみぞ知る。かもしれない。ちなみに子供が自分で習いたい事ランキングの一位は「動画編集」(ベネッセ, 2021)だったようです。。。これはこれは。


What did you learn when you are a kid? In Japan, it is very common that you go to learn something like sports, traditional writing, piano,,,, well when I was a kid. I was the same, I did football, piano (very short while), ice hockey. All didn't last that long due to my not patient characteristic and frequent moving for my father's job. I didn't to any of them now and do something totally different for a quite long time… What was my younger day Lol.

The reason why I suddenly considered about this is that I read an article by ARINA (2022) which shows what parents want their kids to learn. "Investment" is ranked No3 which I felt so different from my younger peaceful days. We had even many people who leant "Soroban" which is an traditional calculator (Google it if you are interested in).

I was wondering how the expectation from parents are different and tried to search for researches. The chart above is the summary of 2 researches, Bandai (2004) and Benesse (2021). By the way, method and research design of 2 researches are different, so please just see them as rough idea of the difference. But … see such a huge difference! Amazing 2021! Well of course what has been changed is not kids but parents. They are now so practical or reflect the world too much…

As a person living this age, I really understand the pain of parents… Obviously they want their children to learn what they (Parents) need to survive in this world. Programming and logical thinking etc…

By the way, only god knows if those skills will be required when current kids come to the world. Benesse (2021) actually also mentions what "kids" themselves want to learn and the top 1 is "Video editing"… I see, I see…

*This story uses real data but whole story is fiction.

Reference (参考)
1) ARINA Inc. (2022), https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000007.000076895.html
Benesse (2021), https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000939.000000120.html
Bandai (2004), https://www.bandai.co.jp/kodomo/pdf/question109.pdf
