
#117 日本では災害に注意 (Be prepared to natural disaster in Japan)

(English follows)





I came across to relatively big earthquake when I visited Japan last time. I surprised a bit… Being in Singapore, natural disaster seldom happens. This is a good point living in Singapore. It is said that tsunami is blocked by Malaysia and Indonesia, we have no earthquake, typhoon too. From Japanese point of view, there are many scary building in Singapore which I don't think they can survive in case earthquake happens.

On the other hand, Japan is natural disaster rich(?). Believe or not, living in Japan almost means that living with natural disaster. Japanese buildings are designed to be strong against them. Also Japanese are used to them. So I would say Japanese are well prepared.

The charts above referred to Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Limited (2022) which is about how Japanese people are prepared to natural disasters. The left chart shows which natural disaster Japanese are expected. I guess you can tell that Japanese faces to so many types of natural disaster… Top scared one is earthquake, followed by Typhoon and fire. Flood and Tsunami are listed too…  A LOT! This is kind of usual for Japanese people but maybe not for others.

So you might not be able to imagine how Japanese people prepare for them. The right chart shows that 74% of people stock water/good/groceries in case they face to natural disaster. It is quite common although I didn't do that when I was in Japan. Too bad that I was in other 26%… I have to be very careful in case I go back to Japan. Usually there are many "Evacuation" place near your house where you go in case something happens to your house. Well my biggest issue now is, it is very difficult to explain how are prepared to natural disaster in English like "fixing furniture to wall". Basically this is to avoid furniture to fall down when earthquake hits. Many people get injured by being pressed by them… Can you imagine??

*This story uses real data but whole story is fiction.

Reference (参考)
1) Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Limited (2022), https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000013.000090956.html
