
#63 雪マウント? (Impact of snow in Tokyo)

(English follows)






I heard that Tokyo suffered from Snow few days back and got a bit of confusion on public transportation. Ummm, I really miss snow (?). I haven't been out from always summer Singapore for 2 years… I still remember that when we went to Korea for company trip few years ago. We went skiing and it was the first time to see snow for some Singaporean members. Then I was observing twitter to see if there is anything interesting relating that snow and found hush tag "Mounting for snow". Yahoo news mentions that there was an arguments online.

"Mounting on snow" seems to explain the incident that people from big snow area like Hokkaido laugh at confusion in Tokyo due to "small(?)" amount of snow. I tried to search for the tag on twitter but of course, people from cold snow area themselves do not use the tag, so I only found "Victims"(?) or people who enjoy the dispute. Anyway the number of tweets are only around 700 at the time and it is far from "Big" dispute.

When we have this type of rage weather, it is usually reflected to the index I myself track by using twitter data(Here). Blue line on the chart above is the actually figures of "I don't want to go to work" tweets. Red line is the expected figure make by forecasting from past data. 4 days Highlighted by red dot-line are the first 4 days after long new year holiday in Japan. There are huge gap between forecasting and actual (Hahaha). It seems there are clear reasons of the gaps and the first 2days (3,4) and the latter (5,6) are different.

The table above is ranking of the words included in those tweets. It seems there are companies which start their operation from 4th and others from 5th. So most of the words imply that they simply do not want to start working. Yes I CAN NOT AGREE MORE!! In the mean time, Words from 5th and 6th clearly shows that people don't want to go to work because of snow. Now I now that many people go to the office under this COVID situation.

What's interesting about this index is to find the reasons when there is the gap between actual and forecasting. I really enjoy it. In 2021, I remember that there was days people didn't want to go because a popular celebrity got married (Ops) or there was a golf masters game on TV when they had to leave their house… Such a peaceful world. I'm expecting that many funny reasons can be show in the index in 2022 too!

*This story uses real data but whole story is fiction.

Reference (参考)
1) Don't want to go to work index  (2022), https://datastudio.google.com/s/izJSF6symHc
