
#116 三日坊主脱出(Why it is difficult to continue exercising everyday?)

(English follows)





Since pandemic happened, I do jogging almost everyday. This "almost" is the issue. I still think that "I don't want to go jogging" almost everyday after 2 years. Who told me that it shouldn't be so tough once it becomes your habit. Well maybe it still haven't been my habit. I don't want to go when it rains or when its cold… Sorry Singapore is never cold actually.

Umm what's wrong with me. Honestly it is not only about jogging but also diet, fixing my posture, study, everything I technically understand it's nice to do makes me feel that I can not continue. Of course, I don't have many habits which I have continued for long time and I'm very lazy (Too bad).

The charts above refers to "Why people give up doing things easily"(2022) by Kao corporation. I picked up opinions from those who successfully got out from "giving up" attitude. According to that, 42% of people who are successful said it became a habit within a month. A month. Sounds so fast. No. 18% of people says it took the an year! ? This is about people who were successful. It means that there are so many people outside of the pie chart who failed… I can tell that most of people give it up with in a month. Yes, i'm talking about my past challenges, diet or going to a gym (Sad).

By the way, the tips not to give them up are, set small goal and Recording the process. I hear the voice from many people "I know that but that is the toughest part!!". I guess it is useless to say that you have to start from small achievement and at least continue for 3 month! It is not that simple or easy. Then tomorrow I will think that I don't want to go jogging. Ummm I really don't want.

*This story uses real data but whole story is fiction.

Reference (参考)
1) Kao Corporation (2022), https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000001.000102531.html
